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Chaplain sacked and reported to terrorist watchdog for sermon to begin appeal

19 February 2024

Tomorrow (Feb 20), an ordained Church of England (CofE) minister, sacked and reported to a terrorist watchdog for a sermon on identity politics, is set to begin his appeal at the Employment Appeal Tribunal.

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Police weaponise PSPO to threaten arrest and shut down Christian preaching in London

14 February 2024

The Met Police have threatened to arrest Christian preachers accusing them of ‘hate crime’ and breaching anti-social behaviour legislation for preaching from the Bible in Uxbridge, London.

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Christian neurologist vindicated after being investigated for giving a ‘pro-life’ medical opinion in life and death case

9 February 2024

An experienced Consultant Neurologist and ordained Catholic priest has been vindicated by the General Medical Council (GMC) after being investigated for three years for giving a ‘pro-life’ medical opinion in an end-of-life court case. 

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Overwhelming opposition to extreme ‘conversion therapy’ bill in parliament

9 February 2024

There was overwhelming opposition to Baroness Burt’s Conversion Therapy Prohibition (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) Bill today with a total of 29 peers speaking against the bill, compared with 15 speaking in favour.

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Extreme ‘conversion therapy’ bill to be debated in parliament tomorrow

8 February 2024

A ‘conversion therapy’ bill set to be debated in parliament on Friday 9 February could criminalise school dress codes, warns Christian Concern.

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