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Showing 92 search results for 'persecution'

‘My story of persecution is sadly just one among many in the UK’

Rev. Dr Bernard Randall spoke at a recent online conference hosted by the Observatory of Intolerance Against Christians in Europe (OIDAC). Their most recent report has revealed that the UK is one of the most intolerant European countries towards Christians. Bernard’s story is sadly one of many similar cases of intolerance towards Christians in the ...

9 December 2021   Articles

Christian convert faces deportation to Iranian persecution

An Iranian Christian, whose bid for asylum has already been twice rejected, is facing the prospect of imprisonment, torture and separation from his English wife and child if the Home Office rejects his application again. Reza Karkah, 38, now lives in Bradford with his wife Leigh and four-year-old daughter Bonnie. Having re-launched his bid for ...

17 February 2020   Articles

Contact Foreign Office about Christian persecution

An independent review of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s (FCO) support for persecuted Christians has revealed that the FCO has been discriminating against Christians. Read our article for an explanation of this conclusion. Take action: Please ask the FCO to respond to the review by increasing its support for persecuted Christians. You can contact the ...

19 July 2019   Articles

Does God want Keir Starmer to be our Prime Minister?

Sean Redfearn looks at what the Bible has to say about God’s role in establishing rulers of nations Pontius Pilate gave in to the crowd’s wishes (Mark 15:15), and though finding no guilt in Jesus (John 18:38), he corruptly sentenced Jesus to be crucified (Matt. 27:26; Luke 23:25). Pilate was clearly not the most noble ...

19 July 2024   Articles

Responding to Manifestos for Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish parties

Our Head of Public Policy Tim Dieppe gives his assessment of the National Party manifestos for Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish parties, from a Christian perspective The Scottish National Party, Plaid Cymru and the Democratic Unionist Party are fielding candidates in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland respectively. Before the election was called, they were the ...

26 June 2024   Articles

Fake Conversions and Asylum Seekers

Our Head of Public Policy Tim Dieppe discusses how the Church can respond to sharp criticism for supporting bogus conversion claims by asylum seekers Chemical attack by Islamic asylum claimant Last week a horrific chemical attack in Clapham was carried out by an asylum seeker from Afghanistan. A woman and her two children were brutally ...

6 February 2024   Articles

Ayaan Hirsi Ali turns towards Christianity

Carys Moseley comments on the recent conversion of Ayaan Hirsi Ali to Christianity The most famous ex-Muslim in the western world, if not the entire world, has publicly declared that she has embraced Christianity. Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Somali-born advocate for women and girls who left Islam having gained asylum in the Netherlands and ...

24 November 2023   Articles

Social worker’s case adjourned to test ‘minority stress theory’

An employment tribunal has adjourned the case of Christian social worker, Felix Ngole, so that expert evidence on ‘minority stress theory’ can be submitted and analysed by a UK court for the first time. Felix is taking legal action against Touchstone Support Leeds, a health care provider for the NHS, after a job offer was withdrawn ...

14 July 2023   Articles

‘Minority stress theory’ to be analysed in UK court for first time in Christian freedom case

An employment tribunal has adjourned the case of Christian social worker, Felix Ngole, so that expert evidence on ‘minority stress theory’ can be submitted and analysed by a UK court for the first time.

14 July 2023   Press Office

Christian social worker has job offer withdrawn for views on marriage

A healthcare provider withdrew a job offer to a social worker after it discovered that he held Christian beliefs on marriage and human sexuality. Felix Ngole was told by Touchstone Support Leeds that unless he could demonstrate how he would ‘embrace and promote homosexual rights’ at the organisation, the job offer would be withdrawn. The ...

10 July 2023   Articles

NHS provider faces legal action after withdrawing job offer and telling Christian social worker you must: ‘embrace and promote LGBTQ+ rights’

A social worker has taken legal action against a health care provider for the NHS after a job offer was withdrawn following the discovery that he held Christian beliefs on marriage and human sexuality.

9 July 2023   Press Office

Christian charity paid over £20,000 compensation for bank account closures

Barclays Bank has been forced to pay over £20,000 compensation to a Christian ministry after bowing to the demands of LGBT activists by closing accounts. In July 2020, the bank notified Core Issues Trust (CIT) and the International Federation for Therapeutic and Counselling Choice (IFTCC), that their banking facilities would be stopped. Barclays, a top-ranking ...

28 June 2023   Articles

Victory for Christian charity as Barclays Bank pay out £20,000 in ‘conversion therapy’ discrimination case

Barclays Bank has been forced to pay-out over £20,000 in compensation plus legal costs after it capitulated to LGBT activists and closed a Christian ministry’s bank account in a case of viewpoint discrimination.

28 June 2023   Press Office

Bloom Review labels Christian words and practices as ‘extremist’

Dr Carys Moseley shows how a recent review labels Christian words and practices as extremist Last week Colin Bloom, the government’s Independent Faith Adviser, published his Independent Review into how government engages with faith in England. The review recommends mandatory public sector training on ‘faith literacy’ in education, prisons and probation and the Armed Forces, ...

5 May 2023   Articles

WIN for street preacher reported to Prevent for ‘misgendering’ as judge overturns conviction

Today a Judge has overturned the conviction of a Christian street preacher who was arrested and reported to Prevent for 'misgendering' a member of the public. 

9 March 2023   Press Office

Win for street preacher as ‘misgendering’ conviction overturned

A judge has overturned the conviction of a Christian street preacher who was arrested and reported to Prevent for ‘misgendering’ a member of the public. Supported by the Christian Legal Centre, Dave McConnell, 42, from Wakefield, was appealing a conviction today at Leeds Crown Court after he was arrested under section 4A of the Public ...

9 March 2023   Articles

Street preacher appeals conviction for ‘misgendering’

A Christian lettings agent who became the first street preacher to be prosecuted and reported to counter-terrorism for alleged ‘misgendering’, is set to appeal his conviction this week at Leeds Crown Court. Dave McConnell, 42, from Wakefield, was reported by the Probation Service to the government’s counter-terrorism watchdog, Prevent, after he was arrested under section 4A Public ...

7 March 2023   Articles

First street preacher arrested and reported to counter-terrorism for ‘misgendering’ to appeal conviction

A Christian lettings agent who became the first street preacher to be prosecuted and reported to counter-terrorism for alleged ‘misgendering’, is set to appeal his conviction this week at Leeds Crown Court.

7 March 2023   Press Office

Maya Forstater to give expert evidence in teacher ‘misgendering’ case

Maya Forstater, who won a landmark legal case over the freedom to say that individuals cannot change their biological sex, is set to give expert evidence at a hearing involving a teacher who faces losing their career for allegedly ‘misgendering.’ 

25 February 2023   Press Office

Maya Forstater to give expert evidence in teacher ‘misgendering’ case

Maya Forstater, who won a landmark legal case over the freedom to say that individuals cannot change their biological sex, is set to give expert evidence at a hearing involving a teacher who faces losing their career for allegedly ‘misgendering.’ In January, Joshua Sutcliffe, 32, who is being supported by the Christian Legal Centre, faced ...

25 February 2023   Articles

Synod member reported by bishop for ‘hate crime’

A member of the Church of England’s General Synod was reported by his bishop to the police for allegedly causing ‘offence’ over promoting a Biblical view of sex and gender. The Bishop of Coventry capitulated to pressure from LGBT campaigners by reporting lay member of Synod, Sam Margrave, to the police for an alleged ‘hate ...

1 February 2023   Articles

Synod member reported to police for ‘hate crime’ for campaigning against Queer Theory and sexualisation of children

The Bishop of Coventry has capitulated to pressure from LGBT campaigners by reporting a lay member of the Church of England’s general synod to the police for an alleged ‘hate crime.’

1 February 2023   Press Office

Christian teacher could lose career for alleged ‘misgendering’

This week, the Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA) is seeking to remove a high-performing Christian teacher from the profession for allegedly ‘misgendering’ a pupil who self-identified as a ‘boy’. Supported by the Christian Legal Centre, Joshua Sutcliffe, 32, from London, faces a series of allegations before the TRA’s professional conduct panel in Coventry from 9 to 13 ...

11 January 2023   Articles

Christian teacher faces losing career for alleged ‘misgendering’ and critiquing Islam on YouTube

This week, the Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA) is seeking to remove a high-performing Christian teacher from the profession for allegedly ‘misgendering’ a pupil who self-identified as a ‘boy’.

11 January 2023   Press Office
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