
We recognise the goodness and power of God’s gift of sex, and expose the bankruptcy of society’s sexual autonomy, confusion and chaos.

Sexuality is a good gift from God, created and designed to be enjoyed within one man, one woman marriage. Within that context, sex expresses the one flesh union between a couple and can bring new life into the world.

But ever since Eden, we’ve fallen short of that ideal, causing much pain, not least in the area of sexuality. Adultery, pre-marital sex, pornography, homosexuality, polygamy and other harmful sexual practices are increasingly commonplace.

Problems with sexuality reflect both inner problems in people’s hearts as well as outer problems in society and culture. Such problems greatly damage marriages and relationships. Pornography of all kinds, inappropriate school curricula and homosexual campaigning in media and institutions all play a part – as do Christians when they succumb to temptations.

Christian Concern advocates for policies which reflect God’s good design for sexuality, and support those who provide pastoral help for all who want a way out of the chaos.

Free to Talk website

We launched a new website created to mobilise people to speak to their MPs about the proposed conversion therapy ban, and to highlight the way this ban would harm those struggling with gender dysphoria and criminalise honest conversations about sexuality, gender and biblical truth.

Free to Talk – stop the ban on conversations

Key articles

Free to Change – finding freedom from unwanted sexual attraction

Champion sexual purity with our Pure resources

Homosexuality and shellfish: are Christians picking and choosing?

6 reasons Christians don’t support ‘pride’

Ten reasons not to restrict same-sex attraction therapy


Sam Salter

James Parker

Jack Sterling

Key cases

Core Issues Trust


Same-Sex Parenting Research: A Critical Assessment

Jephthah’s Children: The Innocent Casualties of Same-Sex Parenting

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