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Disabled man deprived of nutrition and hydration by court order passes away after heroic efforts by family and Polish government

26 January 2021

Today (26 January) the middle-aged Polish citizen, referred to in court documents as 'RS', passed away after being deprived of fluids and nutrition by University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust since 13 January 2021.

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Scottish church leaders urge SNP to re-open churches after launching pre-action letter

16 January 2021

A group of church leaders in Scotland has sent a pre-action letter to the Scottish government calling on measures, which have seen churches closed during the current lockdown, to be urgently reversed.

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Family hopes for international intervention as Polish man has fluids withdrawn

15 January 2021

Yesterday (14 January) University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust withdrew life-sustaining nutrition and fluids from the middle-aged disabled Polish man known as 'RS', despite the objections of his mother and wider family. RS's identity may not be revealed under the orders of the Court of Protection.

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Banned Christian prison chaplain’s case to be heard at County Court, judge decides

12 January 2021

A High Court judge has today ruled that the case of a Christian prison chaplain, who was banned from all prisons for 10 years for exposing Islamic extremism at HMP Brixton to the media, must be heard at a County Court and will not proceed to judicial review.  

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Christian chaplain banned from prisons for 10 years for exposing Islamic radicalisation to pursue judicial review at High Court

10 January 2021

a Christian chaplain and former detective, suspended for 10 years from all prisons for telling a Sunday newspaper about Islamic extremism dominating HMP Brixton, is set to have a permission hearing for judicial review at the High Court.

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