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Showing 92 search results for 'persecution'

Victory for Scottish church leaders as judge rules government acted unconstitutionally when criminalising gathered worship

In an historic judgment, today a judge has ruled that the Scottish Ministers' decision to ban and criminalise gathered church worship during the current lockdown was unconstitutional and a disproportionate interference of Article 9 ECHR rights.

24 March 2021   Press Office

Scottish ministers to face judicial review over church closures

The Scottish government’s policy banning gathered church worship is set to face a full judicial review following a legal challenge from 27 Scottish church leaders. Supported by the Christian Legal Centre, the leaders, who come from a range of Christian denominations, including the Church of Scotland, the Free Church of Scotland, the Free Church of ...

12 February 2021   Articles

Scottish Ministers to face judicial review over lockdown church closures

The Scottish ministers’ policy banning gathered church worship is set to face a full judicial review following a challenge from 27 Scottish church leaders.

12 February 2021   Press Office

Will ‘conversion therapy’ ban be sneaked into Scottish Hate Crime Bill?

Carys Moseley comments on new efforts in the Scottish Parliament to ban so-called ‘conversion therapy’. LGBT activists and their political allies are trying to criminalise ‘conversion therapy’ through the back door in Scotland. They are behind an amendment by the Green Party to the Scottish Hate Crime Bill which would remove the freedom to criticise ...

5 February 2021   Articles

Scottish church leaders launch legal action over ‘unlawful’ closures

A group of Scottish church leaders has launched a claim for judicial review over the Scottish Minsters’ unprecedented decision to close churches and criminalise public worship during the current lockdown. Supported by the Christian Legal Centre, 27 church leaders from a range of Christian denominations, including the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing), the Church of Scotland, the ...

1 February 2021   Articles

Scottish church leaders launch legal action over ‘unlawful’ closures and criminalisation of public worship

A group of Scottish church leaders has launched a claim for judicial review over the Scottish Minsters’ unprecedented decision to close churches and criminalise public worship during the current lockdown.

29 January 2021   Press Office

‘Your Pride endorsement is anti-gospel’: a response to the Bishop of Chichester

Andrea Williams, member of the Church of England’s Synod for Chichester, responds to an article recently published in The Argus by Martin Warner, the Bishop of Chichester. You can read the Bishop’s article in full here. Dear +Martin, I am writing to you regarding your “2021 message to readers of The Argus” published on 1 ...

13 January 2021   Articles

Covid-19 prayer guide for Christmas and New Year

Christians have the great privilege and responsibility of prayer. We are not helpless in the face of catastrophes but have access to the God who reigns over all, through Jesus Christ our Mediator. So as God’s people we must call out to him, interceding as the coronavirus pandemic continues and as governments and individuals hope ...

23 December 2020   Articles

Hate Crime plans would erode free speech

Dr Carys Moseley comments on why new proposals to expand the law on hate crime in England and Wales would be disastrous for free speech. The Law Commission has a consultation open on simplifying and expanding the law on hate crime in England and Wales. These proposals would have a significant negative impact on free ...

18 December 2020   Articles

Let Justice Shine – Reza

God delights in justice. As part of our Let Justice Shine series, we’re telling the stories of several people we’ve supported through the Christian Legal Centre and cases we’ve taken on, seeking and pursuing Godly justice. Reza grew up in Iran, in a Shia Muslim family. He attended a mosque, fasted, prayed and attended all ...

15 December 2020   Articles

Stop a ban on worship services during upcoming lockdown

The government has said that the new lockdown measures coming into effect from Thursday will ban worship services in England. MPs are expected to vote for the measures on Wednesday. That means there’s still time for MPs to amend the legislation to allow churches to continue their worship services. Please urgently contact your MP, asking ...

2 November 2020   Articles

The rest of the world is watching as freedom of religion is eroded in the West

Dr Martin Parsons, an independent consultant on the global persecution of Christians, comments on the closure of churches during the coronavirus pandemic and its effect on freedom of religion. On 23 March, the UK government announced a lockdown, including the first legal closure of churches by the government since Magna Carta. For a nation which ...

15 October 2020   Articles

On the brink: the criminalisation of Christianity in Canada

Wilberforce Academy Director and Head of Public Theology Rev. Dr Joe Boot comments on how Christian freedoms have been eroding in the West. The Lord Jesus Christ declared, “if the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed” (John 8:36). And the apostle Paul wrote, “It is for freedom, that Christ has set us ...

1 October 2020   Articles

Freedom, the Church and state absolutism

Rev. Dr Joe Boot, Christian Concern’s Head of Public Theology and Director of the Wilberforce Academy, discusses the relationship of church and state, and what biblical law in new covenant world ought to look like. The plight of the church in the United Kingdom has had increased visibility in the last couple of weeks as ...

15 July 2020   Articles

The way is shut: evangelical silence and the illusion of virtual Church

The Rev. Dr Joe Boot, Wilberforce Academy Director and Christian Concern’s Head of Public Theology, comments on how ‘virtual church’ in lockdown can never replace physical fellowship. If a recent Evangelical Alliance (EA) article by Danny Webster entitled, ‘The Media Have it Wrong. Churches are not rushing to reopen their Doors,’ first published by Premier ...

28 May 2020   Articles

Ramadan in lockdown

Tim Dieppe comments on how the media has addressed the Muslim festival of Ramadan during lockdown. Ramadan started on Thursday 23 April this year and will continue to Saturday 23 May. Fasting in Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam. During this period, devout Muslims are expected to fast from all eating and ...

28 April 2020   Articles

Is the UK government stepping back from transgender politics?

Carys Moseley comments on the government’s plans for transgender politics during the coronavirus crisis. On Wednesday, Liz Truss the Minister for Women and Equalities told the Women and Equalities Committee of the House of Commons her priorities for the Government Equalities Office. Her priorities are (1) reshaping the GEO to bring it closer to the ...

24 April 2020   Articles

Holy week and the coronavirus

Pastor Jon Hobbs (Grace Church, Haywards Heath) reflects on the coronavirus crisis in the light of Holy Week There can be a degree of spin to Palm Sunday. We rejoice in the humility of the King who brings peace to Judah in Zechariah 9:9-12, but conveniently omit that he will achieve it through the destruction ...

6 April 2020   Articles

Prayer guide for coronavirus

Christians have the great privilege and responsibility of prayer. We are not helpless in the face of catastrophes but have access to the God who reigns over all, through Jesus Christ our Mediator. So as God’s people we must call out to him, interceding as the coronavirus spreads around the world and as governments and ...

17 March 2020   Articles

Trevor Phillips and the Islamophobia indictment

Tim Dieppe comments on the suspension of Trevor Phillips from the Labour Party. Former head of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, Trevor Phillips, claims to have: “introduced the term ‘Islamophobia’ to British politics by commissioning the Runnymead Trust’s 1997 report on the issue.” Now the proliferation of this term and its proposed definition as ...

10 March 2020   Articles

Are Christians persecuted in the UK?

Owing the the coronavirus pandemic, this seminar will no longer take place at our offices but will be an online event. To join us on Monday, you’ll need two links to YouTube: 1. Our seminar begins at 8pm: 2. Our live Q&A session begins at 8.35pm: Tip – make sure you’ve got a ...

6 April 2020   Events

Kristie wins hearts at Free Speech Union launch

Tim Dieppe reports on the launch of the Free Speech Union This week saw the launch of a new initiative to defend free speech. The Free Speech Union (FSU) has been set up by journalist Toby Young in order to help protect and support people who suffer in the work place or the public square ...

28 February 2020   Articles

Insider story: ‘how I’m trusting God for my asylum’

Rebekah Moffett, communications officer at Christian Concern, sits down to talk with Reza Karkah, a Christian asylum-seeker who, if deported to Iran, could face imprisonment, torture and even death. Reza Karkah and his wife Leigh Riley are not what you’d expect from two people facing the prospect of life-long separation, with the threat imprisonment, torture ...

20 February 2020   Articles

Reza Karkhah

Reza faces the possibility of persecution in Iran after his application for asylum was rejected by the Home Office, which claimed he had 'fabricated' his faith.

17 February 2020   Cases
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