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Showing 70 search results for 'persecution'

The way is shut: evangelical silence and the illusion of virtual Church

The Rev. Dr Joe Boot, Wilberforce Academy Director and Christian Concern’s Head of Public Theology, comments on how ‘virtual church’ in lockdown can never replace physical fellowship. If a recent Evangelical Alliance (EA) article by Danny Webster entitled, ‘The Media Have it Wrong. Churches are not rushing to reopen their Doors,’ first published by Premier ...

28 May 2020   Articles

Ramadan in lockdown

Tim Dieppe comments on how the media has addressed the Muslim festival of Ramadan during lockdown. Ramadan started on Thursday 23 April this year and will continue to Saturday 23 May. Fasting in Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam. During this period, devout Muslims are expected to fast from all eating and ...

28 April 2020   Articles

Is the UK government stepping back from transgender politics?

Carys Moseley comments on the government’s plans for transgender politics during the coronavirus crisis. On Wednesday, Liz Truss the Minister for Women and Equalities told the Women and Equalities Committee of the House of Commons her priorities for the Government Equalities Office. Her priorities are (1) reshaping the GEO to bring it closer to the ...

24 April 2020   Articles

Holy week and the coronavirus

Pastor Jon Hobbs (Grace Church, Haywards Heath) reflects on the coronavirus crisis in the light of Holy Week There can be a degree of spin to Palm Sunday. We rejoice in the humility of the King who brings peace to Judah in Zechariah 9:9-12, but conveniently omit that he will achieve it through the destruction ...

6 April 2020   Articles

Prayer guide for coronavirus

Christians have the great privilege and responsibility of prayer. We are not helpless in the face of catastrophes but have access to the God who reigns over all, through Jesus Christ our Mediator. So as God’s people we must call out to him, interceding as the coronavirus spreads around the world and as governments and ...

17 March 2020   Articles

Trevor Phillips and the Islamophobia indictment

Tim Dieppe comments on the suspension of Trevor Phillips from the Labour Party. Former head of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, Trevor Phillips, claims to have: “introduced the term ‘Islamophobia’ to British politics by commissioning the Runnymead Trust’s 1997 report on the issue.” Now the proliferation of this term and its proposed definition as ...

10 March 2020   Articles

Kristie wins hearts at Free Speech Union launch

Tim Dieppe reports on the launch of the Free Speech Union This week saw the launch of a new initiative to defend free speech. The Free Speech Union (FSU) has been set up by journalist Toby Young in order to help protect and support people who suffer in the work place or the public square ...

28 February 2020   Articles

Insider story: ‘how I’m trusting God for my asylum’

Rebekah Moffett, communications officer at Christian Concern, sits down to talk with Reza Karkah, a Christian asylum-seeker who, if deported to Iran, could face imprisonment, torture and even death. Reza Karkah and his wife Leigh Riley are not what you’d expect from two people facing the prospect of life-long separation, with the threat imprisonment, torture ...

20 February 2020   Articles

Why is it easier for Islamists to claim asylum than persecuted Christians?

Dr Martin Parsons is an independent consultant on freedom of religion or belief specialising in the global persecution of Christians and has written a witness statement for Reza Karkah. Mention persecution of Christians and most people rightly assume that this is a problem in countries such as Iran or Saudi Arabia or even Pakistan. While ...

17 February 2020   Articles

Trans rights judgment forces us to lie about sex

Carys Moseley comments on the recent Employment Appeal judgment that ruled that belief that biological sex cannot be changed is not a philosophical belief protected by the Equality Act. This week a judge in an employment tribunal ruled against Maya Forstater, a tax expert at the Centre for Global Development, who defended her right to ...

19 December 2019   Articles

Responding to the Conservative manifesto

The Conservative manifesto, released over the weekend, contains no policy proposals on liberalising abortion, gender self-declaration, or no-fault divorce. This sets the Conservatives apart from the other two main parties, both of which have extreme proposals on abortion and gender self-declaration, and both of which propose to introduce unilateral destruction of families through no-fault divorce. Same-Sex ...

28 November 2019   Articles

Red Wednesday and freedom of religion or belief

Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali, President of the Oxford Centre for Training, Research, Advocacy and Dialogue, comments on ‘Red Wednesday’, a campaign to highlight the persecution that many face the world over for their faith. This article can also be found on Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali’s OXTRAD website. Passers-by may be surprised to see some of our most ...

26 November 2019   Articles

Why not to use ‘Christophobia’

The following article is adapted from Christian Concern’s response to the Foreign Affairs Committee’s Human rights: Freedom of religion and belief, and human rights defenders inquiry. You can read the full response here. One of the recommendations of the Bishop of Truro’s Independent Review for the Foreign Secretary of FCO Support for Persecuted Christians was ...

18 September 2019   Articles

‘Foreign Office discriminates against Christians’

The Foreign Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, commissioned the Bishop of Truro to produce an independent review into global persecution of Christians and the quality of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) response to it. The review was published on 8 July.

10 July 2019   Articles

Appeasement, compromise and silence in a D-Day for the Church

Wilberforce Academy Director, Dr Joe Boot, comments on the state of the nation and where we have gone since the Britain of the 1930s and 40s. Sadly, he says, with eroding freedoms and emptying churches, “the heart and soul of the nation [has become] disease-ridden, on life-support and on the edge of extinction.” How will ...

14 June 2019   Articles

The heresy of liberal democracy

Christian Concern’s Joe Boot examines the challenges presented by liberal democracy. The question of authority The inescapable question that confronts us in every aspect of life is the question of authority. Whom and what will we believe, how will we live, and by what standard? There are a variety of ways we come to know ...

20 March 2019   Articles

On the flying of flags

Martin Davie, theological consultant to the Church of England Evangelical Council, looks into the issue of Church of England churches flying the rainbow flag. This article was originally posted on his blog, Reflections of an Anglican Theologian. The purpose of this post is to consider the issue of the flying of the LGBTI+ rainbow flag by ...

18 September 2018   Articles

Jihad in Manchester

Tim Dieppe comments on the attack in Manchester this week. He discusses the need to defeat the ideology behind attacks like this. Monday 22nd May saw the worst terror attack in the UK for twelve years, with 22 killed and 64 injured. Perhaps not coincidentally, it took place on the fourth anniversary of the brutal ...

24 May 2017   Articles

Will the next government help persecuted Christians?

Tim Dieppe comments on The Barnabas Fund Manifesto for Persecuted Christians which proposes clear practical policy recommendations for the next government. Christians are facing extinction from some parts of the Middle East. Villages and churches are being destroyed. Those unable to flee are frequently offered a stark choice: convert to Islam, or be beheaded. This ...

12 May 2017   Articles

British Muslims: a community in denial?

Tim Dieppe comments on a Policy Exchange survey of British Muslims which is the largest survey of Muslims in Britain to date. The think tank Policy Exchange commissioned ICM to conduct the most extensive survey to-date of British Muslim opinion. The results were published earlier this month in a report titled “Unsettled Belonging”. This poll ...

14 December 2016   Articles

Big Boris: Doublespeaking on the London buses.

Andrea Williams comments on the case of Core Issues Trust and their banned bus advert. In another spectacular display of the establishment capitulating to the politically correct we see Mrs Justice Lang expressly refusing to let Core Issues Trust win. It’s a bad judgment and a bad day for free speech. After all no-one seems ...

13 March 2013   Articles

Pray for Nurse Chaplin and her freedom to wear a cross

The Christian Legal Centre is supporting the case of Shirley Chaplin, a nurse who was banned from working on hospital wards for wearing a cross around her neck. This week she will take the Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Trust to an employment tribunal after she was told last year that she must hide or ...

28 March 2010   Articles
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