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Showing 70 search results for 'persecution'

Of terrorists and Islamophobes: a Christian terrorist?

Christian Concern’s Head of Public Policy, Tim Dieppe, comments on the news that the Liverpool suicide bomber was a Christian convert. Following the release of the name of the suicide bomber in Liverpool, the headlines of several major newspapers blasted out that he was a Christian convert. This is quite a novelty – a Christian ...

17 November 2021   Articles

The religious experience of Covid and the limitless power of the state

Wilberforce Academy Director Rev. Dr Joe Boot explains what lies at the heart of the state’s response to the pandemic. By any reckoning, the events of 2020 and 2021 have been at once tragic, deeply disturbing, and far-reaching in scope and implication. A kind of paradigm shift has taken place while millions of us were ...

5 November 2021   Articles

Nigel and Sally Rowe: ‘True love warns – it speaks the truth’

Communications Officer Rebekah Moffett sits down with Nigel and Sally Rowe to find out more about their case, their hopes and expectations, and to find out what they’ve been up to in the four years since first bringing their case to the media’s attention. Not for the first time, I’m sat down with Nigel and ...

15 October 2021   Articles

Government ‘treats UK Christians differently to Christians abroad’

Christian nurse Mary Onuoha is challenging a London NHS Trust after facing repeated pressure to remove or cover up her cross and being ‘treated like a criminal’. The Christian Legal Centre’s Roger Kiska speaks to Revelation TV about her case and the general increase in discrimination against Christians in the UK. He comments: “Over the ...

12 October 2021   Articles

Children at risk if Welsh Government bans ‘conversion therapy’ 

The Welsh Government is consulting on its LGBTQ+ Action Plan, which includes a commitment to ban ‘conversion therapy’. Children would be included in this ban, and it is proposed that it would apply everywhere including in religious settings, i.e. churches. Parental rights and responsibilities are ignored completely in the relevant documentation.   We are monitoring the situation and will ...

24 September 2021   Articles

Free-speech defender apologises for hosting our Wilberforce Academy

An Oxford college led by the former chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has reportedly capitulated to student activism by ‘apologising’ for hosting a Christian conference. Worcester College, Oxford, where David Isaac has been Provost since July 2021, is said to have apologised unreservedly to students for allowing the Wilberforce Academy, an initiative ...

22 September 2021   Articles

Church in Wales votes to bless same-sex ‘marriages’

Carys Moseley writes on the Church in Wales’ vote on same-sex ‘marriage’ blessings and its abandonment of Christian teachings on sexuality On Monday 6 September, the Church in Wales voted to allow its clergy to bless same-sex ‘marriages’ and civil partnerships. This was not entirely unexpected given the decline of Christian doctrine and ethics within ...

10 September 2021   Articles

MPs and Lords highlight danger for Christians in Afghanistan

The recent withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan has put Christians in particular danger, as the Taliban seize power. The House of Commons and the House of Lords were recalled this week to discuss the crisis, with a number of MPs and peers highlighting the particular plight of Christians. Jeffery Donaldson, leader of the DUP highlighted ...

20 August 2021   Articles

Stopping the Newham call to prayer

A guest post from an anonymous resident of Newham. It is May 2020, the airy summer breeze flows and all is serene. Suddenly, Islamic religious proselytisation is rung in the airwaves, disrupting the peaceful stillness. Residents within the vicinity of the mosques producing this sound can hear the Arabic tune as it pierces through the ...

24 June 2021   Articles

Is Islam antisemitic?

Tim Dieppe, Christian Concern’s Head of Public Policy, explores the links between Islam and antisemitism. Debate with Reza Aslan Antisemitism on the rise in the UK There has been a notable increase in incidents of antisemitism in the UK in recent months. Last month I reported how a member of a mob openly said in ...

17 June 2021   Articles

Moving forward with Christ in a post-Covid, ‘Sleeping Beauty’ world

Rev. Melvin Tinker, former vicar of St John Newland and Director of Theology for the Christ Church Network in Hull, speaks on how the Church can move forward in a post-Covid world. This talk was originally published on the St John Newland YouTube channel and has been republished with permission. Watch the talk, or read ...

15 June 2021   Articles

Keith Waters: how can Christians engage with Pride?

Communications Officer Rebekah Moffett speaks with Keith Waters to catch up on his case and get his advice on what churches can be doing during ‘Pride month’. Hi Keith, great to have you with us again. What happened to you in ‘Pride Month’ (aka June), and how far have you got with challenging it? In ...

15 June 2021   Articles

Victory as judge rules Scottish gathered worship ban unconstitutional

In a historic judgment, a judge has today (24 March) ruled that the Scottish Ministers’ decision to ban and criminalise gathered church worship during the current lockdown was unconstitutional and disproportionate. Handing down judgment, Lord Braid also ruled that online worship is not real Christian worship, stating that it is not for the Scottish Ministers ...

24 March 2021   Articles

Scottish ministers to face judicial review over church closures

The Scottish government’s policy banning gathered church worship is set to face a full judicial review following a legal challenge from 27 Scottish church leaders. Supported by the Christian Legal Centre, the leaders, who come from a range of Christian denominations, including the Church of Scotland, the Free Church of Scotland, the Free Church of ...

12 February 2021   Articles

Will ‘conversion therapy’ ban be sneaked into Scottish Hate Crime Bill?

Carys Moseley comments on new efforts in the Scottish Parliament to ban so-called ‘conversion therapy’. LGBT activists and their political allies are trying to criminalise ‘conversion therapy’ through the back door in Scotland. They are behind an amendment by the Green Party to the Scottish Hate Crime Bill which would remove the freedom to criticise ...

5 February 2021   Articles

Scottish church leaders launch legal action over ‘unlawful’ closures

A group of Scottish church leaders has launched a claim for judicial review over the Scottish Minsters’ unprecedented decision to close churches and criminalise public worship during the current lockdown. Supported by the Christian Legal Centre, 27 church leaders from a range of Christian denominations, including the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing), the Church of Scotland, the ...

1 February 2021   Articles

‘Your Pride endorsement is anti-gospel’: a response to the Bishop of Chichester

Andrea Williams, member of the Church of England’s Synod for Chichester, responds to an article recently published in The Argus by Martin Warner, the Bishop of Chichester. You can read the Bishop’s article in full here. Dear +Martin, I am writing to you regarding your “2021 message to readers of The Argus” published on 1 ...

13 January 2021   Articles

Covid-19 prayer guide for Christmas and New Year

Christians have the great privilege and responsibility of prayer. We are not helpless in the face of catastrophes but have access to the God who reigns over all, through Jesus Christ our Mediator. So as God’s people we must call out to him, interceding as the coronavirus pandemic continues and as governments and individuals hope ...

23 December 2020   Articles

Hate Crime plans would erode free speech

Dr Carys Moseley comments on why new proposals to expand the law on hate crime in England and Wales would be disastrous for free speech. The Law Commission has a consultation open on simplifying and expanding the law on hate crime in England and Wales. These proposals would have a significant negative impact on free ...

18 December 2020   Articles

Let Justice Shine – Reza

God delights in justice. As part of our Let Justice Shine series, we’re telling the stories of several people we’ve supported through the Christian Legal Centre and cases we’ve taken on, seeking and pursuing Godly justice. Reza grew up in Iran, in a Shia Muslim family. He attended a mosque, fasted, prayed and attended all ...

15 December 2020   Articles

Stop a ban on worship services during upcoming lockdown

The government has said that the new lockdown measures coming into effect from Thursday will ban worship services in England. MPs are expected to vote for the measures on Wednesday. That means there’s still time for MPs to amend the legislation to allow churches to continue their worship services. Please urgently contact your MP, asking ...

2 November 2020   Articles

The rest of the world is watching as freedom of religion is eroded in the West

Dr Martin Parsons, an independent consultant on the global persecution of Christians, comments on the closure of churches during the coronavirus pandemic and its effect on freedom of religion. On 23 March, the UK government announced a lockdown, including the first legal closure of churches by the government since Magna Carta. For a nation which ...

15 October 2020   Articles

On the brink: the criminalisation of Christianity in Canada

Wilberforce Academy Director and Head of Public Theology Rev. Dr Joe Boot comments on how Christian freedoms have been eroding in the West. The Lord Jesus Christ declared, “if the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed” (John 8:36). And the apostle Paul wrote, “It is for freedom, that Christ has set us ...

1 October 2020   Articles

Freedom, the Church and state absolutism

Rev. Dr Joe Boot, Christian Concern’s Head of Public Theology and Director of the Wilberforce Academy, discusses the relationship of church and state, and what biblical law in new covenant world ought to look like. The plight of the church in the United Kingdom has had increased visibility in the last couple of weeks as ...

15 July 2020   Articles
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