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Police apologise and award Christian evangelist £10,000 for Speakers’ Corner arrests

21 October 2022

The Metropolitan Police has apologised and admitted it ‘fell below standards’ following two wrongful arrests of a female Christian evangelist at Speakers’ Corner, London.

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Barclays tries to strike out Christian ministry’s legal case over cancelled bank accounts

14 October 2022

A Christian ministry that received death threats and had their account cancelled by Barclays bank face having their legal case ‘struck out’ at a hearing in Belfast next week.

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Church of England must follow DfE and abandon Mermaids influenced transgender guidance

12 October 2022

The Department for Education has stopped recommending trans charity Mermaids as a mental health and wellbeing resource for schools. Andrea Williams, chief executive of the Christian Legal Centre and former lay member of the Church of England’s general synod, is calling on the CofE to now scrap its own trans affirming guidance.

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Parents call on Church of England to urgently abandon Mermaids influenced transgender guidance

8 October 2022

Christian parents are calling on the Church of England (CofE) to urgently abandon transgender guidance which says that children as young as five should be affirmed if they want to identify as the opposite gender.

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Christian doctor vindicated as settlement reached with NHS England allowing him to pray with patients

26 September 2022

Today at a tribunal hearing, a Christian doctor has been vindicated again following a four-year campaign threatening his livelihood for offering to pray for and provide spiritual care to patients. 

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