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Matthew Grech: First criminal trial for gay ‘conversion practices’ to take place in Malta

7 June 2023

In a global first, this week a Maltese Christian charity worker is in court facing criminal charges for allegedly discussing and advertising ‘conversion practices.’

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Removal of life-sustaining care “too rushed and fraught with injustices”

6 June 2023

Changes are needed to ensure the voices of families are respected in the case of critically children whose life support may be withdrawn, calling the process “too rushed and fraught with injustices”.

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Public opposed to banning talking therapy for sex or gender issues and criminalisation of professionals

31 May 2023

Three quarters of the UK public believe that individuals struggling with sexual or gender identity issues, should be free to seek help through talking therapy, according to a poll by Whitestone Insight.

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Christian teacher banned from teaching for refusing to call trans student by preferred pronoun

23 May 2023

In an outcome believed to be the first of its kind, a Christian maths teacher has been banned by the Secretary of State for ‘unprofessional conduct’ and ‘bringing the profession into disrepute’ for refusing to use the preferred pronouns of a female student who identified as transgender.

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CofE primary school exposed teaching extreme lessons on gender identity and ignoring parent safeguarding concerns

19 May 2023

A Church of England primary school in Norfolk has refused to amend its extreme and graphic relationships and sex education lessons and to address safeguarding concerns following parent complaints.  

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