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High Court to review Christian student’s expulsion for biblical beliefs

3 October 2017

The High Court will today (Tuesday 3 October) hear the case of Felix Ngole, a Christian student who was expelled from his university social work course after articulating biblical teaching about marriage and sexual ethics during a Facebook discussion. 

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Parents remove six-year-old from church primary school over handling of ‘transgender’ request

11 September 2017

A couple on the Isle of Wight have removed their child from a Church of England primary school pending legal review of the school’s handling of another pupil’s request to be recognised as ‘transgender’.

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Victory for street preacher held in cell for 13 hours for sharing love for Muslims and truth of Islam

16 August 2017

A Christian street preacher who was arrested on 23 June and held for 13 hours in a police cell, after displaying placards depicting love for Muslims and criticising the ideology of Islam, has this week been informed by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) that no charges will be brought against him.

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Judgment reserved in case of Christian magistrate dismissed from NHS over family views

4 August 2017

A Christian who was dismissed as a magistrate by the Lord Chancellor and Lord Chief Justice, after expressing his view that it was in a child's best interests to be raised by a mother and a father, must wait to learn the outcome of his claim of discrimination, harassment and victimisation against an NHS Trust after being blocked from returning to his role as a non-executive director.

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Christian prison worker loses appeal over quoting Bible in chapel service

2 August 2017

A Christian prison worker who felt he had no option but to resign after being disciplined for quoting from the Bible during a prison chapel service, has lost his appeal against an Employment Tribunal's ruling that the prison was right to discipline him.

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