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Abortion image ‘sickening’ and ‘horrific’ says judge as ban upheld

6 May 2020

District Judge Jonathan Radway has today ruled that an image of abortion, showing the consequences of local MP Stella Creasy's extreme support for abortion, is 'sickening' and 'horrific' as he upheld a ban on showing the image publicly in Walthamstow, London.

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DIY abortions will cause ‘serious harm’ says expert as urgent application for judicial review filed

21 April 2020

A medical expert and former Conservative government minister Ann Widdecombe have given their backing to Christian Concern’s urgent application for a Judicial Review after the government’s extraordinary double U-turn on DIY abortions.

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BPAS extends controversial telemed abortion service to Northern Ireland

9 April 2020

Today (April 9) the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) has announced the extension of its controversial telemedical service in a bid to push their extreme abortion policies to women in Northern Ireland.

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Christian Concern to launch legal challenge to government’s anti-democratic double U-turn on abortion

1 April 2020

Christian Concern announces that it will mount a legal challenge to the government’s decision to permit DIY abortions.

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Government to put thousands of women at risk after double U-turn on DIY abortions

31 March 2020

The government has last night (March 30) undertaken an incredible double U-turn by announcing the most significant change to abortion law since 1967.

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