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DIY abortion judicial review proceeds as govt says ‘temporary’ measure will remain

7 July 2020

Christian Concern's legal challenge of the government's decision to allow DIY abortions is to be heard by the Court of Appeal on 28 or 29 July.

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Extreme abortion amendment must be defeated as more abuses exposed

6 July 2020

Ahead of radical amendments delivered by MPs today in parliament that could result in the UK having the most extreme abortion law in Europe, a mystery client study has proven that women can obtain and administer dangerous 'DIY' abortion pills in breach of healthcare regulations.

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Undercover investigation exposes ‘DIY’ abortion service as unsafe and crossing legal boundaries

4 July 2020

A nationwide undercover investigation has revealed abortion providers breaking the law and putting pregnant women at serious risk through their ‘DIY’ abortion telemedicine services.

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‘Kill first, remove later’ – Royal College releases horrific new guidance on abortions during coronavirus

30 June 2020

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) has published new guidelines for healthcare professionals providing abortions during the coronavirus crisis.

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Victory for Christian Concern as Court of Appeal grants judicial review on ‘DIY’ abortions

29 June 2020

The Court of Appeal has reversed the decision of the High Court to reject Christian Concern’s legal challenge against the legalisation of DIY abortions.

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