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Pro-life coalition calls on government to end DIY home abortion on one-year anniversary

29 March 2021

Tomorrow (30 March), on the one-year anniversary of the introduction of ‘pills by post’ telemedicine, a pro-life coalition will be delivering a letter to the government calling for an end to the service.

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Victory for Scottish church leaders as judge rules government acted unconstitutionally when criminalising gathered worship

24 March 2021

In an historic judgment, today a judge has ruled that the Scottish Ministers' decision to ban and criminalise gathered church worship during the current lockdown was unconstitutional and a disproportionate interference of Article 9 ECHR rights.

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Poll finds 86% of GPs concerned about coercion and abortions past legal limit via government’s pills-by-post service

15 March 2021

A new opinion poll of 1,000 UK GPs has revealed deep unease within the profession over the government’s medical at-home abortion protocol.

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Scottish Ministers ‘crossed line’ by criminalising public worship court told

11 March 2021

A judge has heard on the first day of a full judicial review hearing that Scottish Ministers ‘crossed a line’ when they made the decision to criminalise public worship and give police maximum powers to enforce it.

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Scottish Ministers set to face judicial review over banning of gathered church worship during lockdown

10 March 2021

This Thursday, the Scottish government will be in court to face a full judicial review hearing over its policy of banning and criminalising gathered church worship during the current lockdown.

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