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Archie Battersbee: Judge forces removal of life support against parent wishes

15 July 2022

A High Court judge has today ruled that a London hospital can remove the life support of 12-year-old, Archie Battersbee, against his parents' wishes. 

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Archie Battersbee: High Court to rule on end-of-life care of 12-year-old

14 July 2022

Tomorrow a High Court judge will rule on whether a London hospital can remove the life support of 12-year-old, Archie Battersbee.

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High profile LGBT activist removed from case for perception of bias

5 July 2022

The President of the Employment Appeal Tribunal has removed an LGBT activist from hearing the case of a Christian who was dismissed by the school she worked for because of Facebook posts about transgenderism and sex education.

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Christian doctor to take trans pronoun case to Court of Appeal, following ‘muddled’ tribunal judgment

29 June 2022

In a mixed judgment, the President of the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has today ruled that biblical beliefs that do not affirm transgenderism are protected under the Equality Act, while also ruling that Christians cannot express those beliefs in the workplace without fear of losing their jobs.

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Archie Battersbee’s family wins appeal overturning decision to end life support

29 June 2022

The Court of Appeal has overturned the decision that 12-year-old Archie Battersbee's life support should be removed.

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