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19-year-old woman dies after being blocked by the NHS from pursuing treatment abroad

15 September 2023

A 19-year-old Christian woman, locked in a lengthy legal battle with the NHS to be permitted to go abroad for experimental treatment which might save her life, has died in an NHS hospital. For over six months she had been prevented by a Court of Protection order from raising funds to travel to Canada to join a clinical trial of cutting-edge nucleoside treatment.

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NHS Trust goes to Court to remove treatment from a conscious teenager who begs to be allowed to live

31 August 2023

In a tragic case reminiscent of Charlie Gard, Alfie Evans and Archie Battersbee, an NHS Hospital is asking the Court of Protection to authorise removal of life-saving medical treatment from a 19-year-old girl, effectively condemning her to death.

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Survey shows many priests not upholding CofE doctrine

30 August 2023

The Times reports today that a majority of Church of England priests disagree with Church of England doctrine on marriage and sexual ethics.

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Half of NHS Trusts recognise existence of fetal pain during late term abortion, FOI investigation reveals

11 August 2023

After four decades of denial from the abortion industry, a Freedom of Information (FOI) investigation into the approach of NHS Trusts to fetal pain during late term abortions has revealed that half now recognise its existence.

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Government refuses to say whether teachers can refer to pupils by their legal and biological gender

2 August 2023

The government has this week responded to a written question that asked whether it will “publish guidance to clarify whether teachers may refer to pupils by their legal and biological gender.”

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