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Indi Gregory: NHS Trust rejects expert cardiologist evidence saying Indi can live without ventilator

27 October 2023

Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust has rejected 'last-ditch' evidence from a cardiologist providing expert opinion that the 8-month-baby “more likely than not” can live without a ventilator. 

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Indi Gregory: Family file case with European Court of Human Rights

26 October 2023

After exhausting domestic remedies, the family of Indi Gregory has this morning filed an application with the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) asking for 'Interim Measures under Rule 39 of the Rules of Court” before 4pm today (26 October) to prohibit withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment until the ECHR has considered the case.

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Indi Gregory: European Court of Human Rights refuses application

26 October 2023

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has this afternoon refused to consider the case of eight-month-old Indi Gregory after a last-ditch application. 

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Indi Gregory: Family to take case to Europe after judge refuses permission to appeal ‘best interests’ ruling

23 October 2023

Today (Oct 23) Lady Justice Eleanor King has refused to allow the family of Indi Gregory permission to appeal a High Court decision that it is in the seven-month-old baby's 'best interests' to die. 

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Christian preacher faces prosecution for holding sign with Bible verse in abortion clinic ‘buffer zone’

16 October 2023

A Christian preacher and campaigner faces being sent to prison for six months for holding a sign with a verse from the Bible’s renowned Psalm 139 on it within a ‘buffer zone’ outside of a London abortion clinic.

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