Make your voice heard on DIY abortion



Event Details

27 January 2021
20:00 - 21:00

What can you do to help change the laws on DIY abortion? Join us live on YouTube for this online briefing which will give you practical tips on how to fill in the government’s online consultation. The deadline closes on 26 February.

Click here to open the consultation form to be ready to fill it in with us.


On 10 December 2020, along with other pro-life groups, we participated in a briefing for parliamentarians on the government’s home abortion policy. MPs also heard the testimony of a woman who took the pills and experienced devastating side-effects.

Tragically, we know that many illegal and dangerous abortions have taken place since the government introduced the policy in March last year. We need to do everything we can to protect women and babies by stopping this policy from becoming permanent.

It is for this reason that a number of pro-life groups are hosting an online briefing event to inform and equip our supporters on this critical issue. You will receive step by step instructions on how to fill out the 11 questions on the government’s consultation on whether to extend its temporary decision to allow DIY abortions. Alithea Williams from SPUC and Kevin Duffy, independent health consultant, will be suggesting pointers for your responses.

You can read Kevin Duffy’s findings from a mystery client investigation which exposed the lack of safeguards for women requesting the pills through this scheme. For more information on the campaign to stop DIY abortion, please see our page here.

Please invite your family, friends and church to fill this consultation out.

We want the government to hear from thousands of voices that DIY abortions are harmful to women.

Timetable for Wednesday

  • Welcome (Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, March for Life)
  • How to respond to the consultation questions (Alithea Williams, SPUC & Kevin Duffy, Independent Health Consultant)
  • Q&A (Ben John, Wilberforce Academy)
  • Close (Lynda Rose, Voice for Justice UK)

This briefing is supported by a number of pro-life groups including

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