Book launch: Ruler of Kings



Event Details

11 April 2022
20:00 - 21:30

Wilberforce Publications is pleased to announce the launch of Ruler of Kings: Toward a Christian Vision of Government, the new book by Rev. Dr Joe Boot.

You can now watch the entire online launch on our website.

Buy your copy from Equipping the Church and Amazon (also for Kindle).

About the book

Throughout the history of the Church, the question of the Christian’s relationship to political authority has been a matter of discussion and debate. Since the apostolic era, Christians have taught that Jesus Christ is king over all the earth and all the kingdoms of men. Yet, here we are, positioned against a backdrop of unprecedented restrictions on civil liberties in the West, that included the forced closure of churches and restrictions of church services in the wake of a virus. Joe Boot seeks to make sense of vital issues central to the realm of politics and civil government, and provides the basis for a Christian response.


“Ruler of Kings reminds us that Christ’s sceptre of power rules over all of life, and that he will inevitably receive the inheritance of nations. A must read in our day.”
James R White, apologist, theologian and Director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, Phoenix, Arizona

About the author

Rev. Dr Joe Boot is director of our Wilberforce Academy and Christian Concern’s head of public theology. Joe is a cultural theologian, leading Christian apologist, founding pastor of Westminster Chapel in Toronto, and founder of Ezra Institute for Contemporary Christianity (EICC).

Watch the online launch on our website.

Find out more about Ruler of Kings on the Wilberforce Publications website.

You can buy your copy ahead of the launch from Equipping the Church and Amazon (also for Kindle).

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