Respond to the call for evidence on assisted suicide

10 January 2025

Kim Leadbeater’s bill to legalise assisted suicide is now at committee stage, where MPs will consider possible changes to the bill before the crucial vote at its third reading.

The committee which has been formed to consider the Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill has issued a call for evidence.

If you have relevant expertise, please respond to this call for evidence.

Relevant expertise could include being a doctor, nurse, social worker, pharmacist, carer, disabled person, ill person, terminally ill person, church leader or simply someone who feels strongly that society should not be helping people to commit suicide.

How to make a submission

Guidelines for submissions are given on the call for evidence web page.

In summary:

  • Your submission should: “highlight or discuss views on or concerns with the existing provisions of the Bill.” You can also suggest amendments to the Bill.
  • If you have relevant expertise or experience, state that clearly at the top of your submission along with a brief introduction about you.
  • Your submission should, as a guideline, not exceed 2,000 words. Shorter submissions are fine.
  • Your submission should be in a Word document and start with a summary. Paragraphs should be numbered, but there should be no page numbering.
  • You submission should not comment on matters currently or soon to be before a court of law.
  • Material published elsewhere should not form the basis of your submission, but you can refer to and provide links to previously published material. You should not publish your evidence until the Committee has done so.
  • Most submissions will be published online by the Committee. If you do not want your submission published then you should explain this and give reasons why you wish it to remain confidential.
  • Your submission should be emailed to
  • Submissions are requested as soon as possible, but in any case you should aim to email your submission by no later than 21 January 2025.

Points to make

It is crucial that you make your own points based on your own expertise or experience and understanding of the issues.

Resources that could help suggest points that you may wish to make include:

Your submission will be read by all the members of the Committee and will add to the pressure on them to recognise the many serious problems with allowing this Bill to become law.

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