Prayer guide: assisted suicide bill

18 October 2024

Kim Leadbeater’s bill to legalise assisted suicide, the Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill is due to have its second reading on 29 November 2024.

Ahead of the debate in parliament on assisted suicide, Christians need to be active and vocal in raising awareness and asking their MPs to oppose this bill.

But we also need to pray.

Please pray:

For MPs

  • For the eyes and hearts of MPs to be changed so that they understand why they should vote against assisted suicide
  • For MPs to understand that assisted suicide is wrong in principle as well as because the ‘safeguards’ won’t work
  • For God to raise up Christian MPs to lead the way in opposing legalising assisted suicide
  • That new Labour MPs, in particular, would understand that the bill is incompatible with the party’s commitments to care for the vulnerable, to support for the NHS and to tackle suicide
  • That this law wouldn’t be rushed through before MPs and wider society have properly understood the problems with the bill
  • For courageous, persuasive speeches during the debate that would change hearts and minds to be against the bill
  • For the bill to be withdrawn or to lose a vote at its second or third reading

For the media

  • That the media would show the true impact of assisted suicide laws as the right to die becomes a duty to die
  • For courageous people with illnesses – who want to live and not die – to step forward and share their story with the media
  • For Christian Concern and other campaign groups to speak truthfully and persuasively to the media and to MPs
  • That this debate wouldn’t slip through without ordinary people understanding its generational implications

For culture

  • That the reality of assisted suicide – as seen in other countries – would be understood by the public
  • That the public would understand that assisted suicide sends the message that some people are ‘better off dead’ – a dark and dangerous message to send to people with physical or mental health struggles
  • For pro-life campaigners to be strong and influential at this time, working well together to oppose the bill
  • That our culture would once again love and value life rather than death

For the Church

  • Giving thanks for the Christian leaders who have already spoken clearly against assisted suicide
  • That more church leaders would understand how critical this issue is and use their voices to oppose the bill
  • That Christians would understand the importance of this bill and take action to oppose it

Find out how you and your church can use your voice to speak against this dangerous bill.

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