Act now to stop assisted suicide

10 January 2025

Currently, MPs are discussing and debating a matter of life and death.

A private members’ Bill to legalise assisted suicide is currently going through parliament. If passed, this would mark a very significant change in our culture and its attitude towards suicide.

This bill is now at committee stage, where MPs will consider possible changes to the bill before the crucial vote at its third reading, which we expect to be in April.

Similar bills have been rejected in recent years but the challenge now is greater than ever.

Act now to stand for life by opposing suicide.

Respond to the call for evidence on assisted suicide

The committee which has been formed to consider the Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill has issued a call for evidence.

Relevant expertise could include being a doctor, nurse, social worker, pharmacist, carer, disabled person, ill person, terminally ill person, church leader or simply someone who feels strongly that society should not be helping people to commit suicide.

We have created a page with information about the submission guidelines, what information is most suitable to include, and have also included additional resources to help you prepare your submission.

Your submission will be read by all the members of the Committee and will add to the pressure on them to recognise the many serious problems with allowing this Bill to become law.

Please respond to the call for evidence.

Join us in praying against assisted suicide

We must pray for parliamentarians to reject this dangerous assisted suicide bill, and ultimately make laws in the UK that protect and cultivate life, rather than promote death on demand.

Please make use of our prayer guide.

Speak to your MP

Please write to your MP to respond to their vote on this bill. Your message will show them that you noted how they voted and will help them to feel accountable for their vote.

You can find your MP’s email address here.

If your MP voted against the bill, writing a short email thanking them for taking this stance and for recognising the many problems with the bill would be helpful.

If your MP voted for the bill, please write a short email expressing your disappointment at their approval of assisted suicide, and say that you hope they will oppose it when it comes back for third reading.

If your MP abstained, please write a short email thanking them for thinking about the bill and expressing your hope that they will oppose the bill when it comes back for third reading.

In either case, please engage your MP with truth and love, using the resources below.

Alert your church

The Church is vital in this battle. Please ask your church leaders to speak up on this vital issue.

Here’s how to help:

Understand the issue in depth

There are many good reasons Christians and everyone who loves their neighbour should oppose assisted suicide.

We hosted a livestream on 19 November with Larry Worthen, executive director of the Christian Medical and Dental Association of Canada – one of the leading voices against MAiD. He gave a presentation on some of the many reasons why the UK should not follow the path of Canada, and answered questions from those tuning in. Do watch it if you can.

Please use the resources below to understand the issue in more depth:

Share your story

The wider culture needs to hear more stories and views against legalising suicide. There are many people with experiences whose stories and views could help stop assisted suicide.

For example:

  • People currently going through terminal illnesses
  • People experiencing severe pain and disability
  • People who’ve recovered from diagnoses of terminal illness
  • People involved with palliative care and hospices

If you, a friend or a family member have had experiences like these and would like to share your perspective, please send us a message using the form below.

We will not share anything you tell us with a third party without your express permission.

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