Ask your MP to oppose assisted suicide

25 September 2024


The pressure to legalise euthanasia and assisted suicide is growing quickly.

The Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer, is reported to want to rush forward a bill this autumn to make it legal to assist someone with a terminal illness to commit suicide.

This isn’t compassion. It’s a move that would inevitably lead to more suffering, as people will end their lives for fear of becoming a burden.

Safeguards never work – we’ve seen that around the world. What starts as a last case resort spreads to more and more cases, normalising suicide.

Once the law allows assisted suicide, the culture starts to adopt the mentality that some lives are not worth living. This seeps into the attitudes of doctors and nurses.

It’s time to let your MP know your concerns about assisted suicide and euthanasia.

Many think that there is lots of public support for its legalisation, but most of it is paper thin. Many people are tricked by the euphemism, ‘assisted dying’, and don’t understand or realise the implications it would have on people’s lives and end-of-life care.

Could you write to your MP today, explaining to them why you are opposed to this measure?

If you or your loved ones have a terminal illness, long term health condition or disability; you might want to explain your concerns that such people would feel pressured to end their lives.

You can also read our booklet to inform your message.

Please take this opportunity to stand for life by writing a respectful letter or email to your MP.

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