Turn the tide on RSHE – pray for new panel

2 June 2023

Head of Education Steve Beegoo calls for Christians to pray for the new panel advising the government on RSHE in schools

This week, the government has named the panel which will advise on and contribute to a review of what many see as the inappropriate Relationships, Sex and Health Education present in our schools.

The Prime Minister called for this review having been informed of the scale of inappropriate and ideologically driven content in schools by the report provided by Miriam Cates MP and supported by 50 MPs. For the Prime Minister to even request a review is itself an answer to many of our prayers.


As we recently reported, further abuses of power within schools that propagate harmful gender ideology to young children are regularly coming to light.

The Policy Exchange report ‘Asleep at the Wheel’ also demonstrated the extent to which RSHE is being used as a vehicle by LGBT and ‘equality’ organisations to provide inaccurate information and contested ideas in schools. These ideas have been shown to be harmful to children.


These ongoing developments and reports have given an opportunity for the tide to be turned in our schools. A tide turning away from anti-Christian and unsafe teaching which promotes damaging ideas to our children. It is a time to pray for this panel, whose work begins ‘immediately’.

As the government explains, “Leading experts in child safeguarding, health, teaching, curriculum development and equalities,” will, “contribute to a review of the statutory guidance on Relationships, Sex and Health Education


Gillian Keegan, the Secretary of State for Education explains that “The panel will offer insight on how schools can deliver a high quality RSHE curriculum for all our young people in a way that is age-appropriate, objective and wisely informed by the needs and views of children, parents and families from all backgrounds, across the country.”

Godly insight from the panel is indeed desperately needed.


The panel will consider evidence from Ofsted, and will “engage openly” with schools and parents. We must pray that parents and teachers raise their voice, whistleblowing where necessary, and that concerns which have been raised with Ofsted are transparently revealed to the panel by the inspectorate.

Their work will start in June and finish in September, when the chair will submit written advice and recommendations to the department. The recommendations will be consulted on in the Autumn.


This review should be fully completed by the end of the year and should lead to better guidance to schools on RSHE including, potentially, movie like certification on content.

We still await promised guidance on what schools should be doing regarding children identifying as transgender, but many are hopeful given the leaks on what this guidance is likely to contain. For example, we do need confirmation that parents must be informed of any social transitioning being proposed by a young person.


Many of us have signed petitions. But are we petitioning the Lord about these issues?

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (Philippians 4:6 NIV, emphasis added)

The word means an entreating and is sometimes translated ‘supplication’. Through such prayer peace, the Shalom wholeness of God, comes to us. This kind of peace is needed for our children.

Please pray with us:

  • Thanking God that there seems to be a change of the tide due to the work and prayers of his people
  • That even ‘over the summer’, a time traditionally used to avoid an effective consultation with those involved in education, that the panel receives the information it needs.
  • That Ofsted will transparently raise issues of parental complaint and teacher concerns which have been made to them.
  • That our sons and daughters will be better protected from harmful ideologies inside of our schools, especially as June and Pride celebrations are promoted to children.
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