‘Dignity is showing dying people they are still valued’: General Synod address

13 July 2022

What does it mean to have dignity? What does it look like to have bodily autonomy?

Synod member Ben John addresses the York General Synod 2022 on the issue of assisted suicide, arguing that more needs to be done to make sure those who are dying feel valued, and not like they are a burden on society.

He comments: “We often hear that the value of life is tied to quality of life; to have autonomy taken away is to be worth less and make your life not worth living.

“But the reality is that we are not autonomous – God is. In some sense, our bodies are not ours … Whatever euphemism we use, suicide is still suicide; murder is still murder … Dignity is showing people who are dying that they are still valued, not like dogs to be put down; stepping into those messy, hard situations and showing compassion, suffering with [the dying person].”

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