Responding to the Liberal Democrat election manifesto

27 November 2019

The Liberal Democrat (Lib Dem) election manifesto contains extreme proposals on gender and family issues.

Self-Declaration of Gender

The Liberal Democrats plan to remove the requirement for medial reports for gender recognition, making it a process of self-identification with no support from science or medicine (p75). Lib Dems also plan to recognise “non-binary gender identities” and to introduce an ‘X’ gender option on passports. There is no scientific basis for ‘non-binary gender identities’ and no way for them to be assessed. These proposals strike at the heart of human nature as male and female and will completely undermine women’s rights in every area.

No-Fault Divorce

Lib Dems also plan to introduce no-fault divorce (p74), allowing unilateral destruction of families for no reason whatsoever. This was also included in the Labour manifesto (p48). At the same time, Lib Dems plan to remove the spousal veto for gender re-assignment (p74). This means that a spouse who married someone of the opposite sex, will have no say over becoming married to someone of the same gender. Lib Dems also plan to extend legal rights to cohabiting couples, and to abolish the marriage tax allowance (p25), further undermining the institution of marriage.

Decriminalisation of Abortion

Lib Dems propose to completely decriminalise abortion up to 24 weeks (p61). This will mean that babies in the womb can be killed for any reason with no checks and balances. This would therefore legalise gender-selective abortion which means that Lib Dems presumably approve of this discriminatory practice.

While not as extreme as Labour’s proposal to decriminalise abortion right up to birth, this would still leave England and Wales with on of the most extreme abortion laws in the world.

Lib Dems also propose to enforce safe zones around abortion clinics to restrict the freedom to protest and offer support and help to women in crisis who often feel pressured into having an abortion.

This policy proposal follows the deselection of former MP Rob Flello for his views on abortion and same-sex marriage. This made clear that the Lib Dems will not tolerate people who in conscience cannot support the killing of the unborn.

Same-Sex Marriage in the Church of England

Lib Dems propose to enable the Church of England and Church in Wales to conduct same-sex marriages (p75). This means that ministers who in conscience believe that marriage is between a man and a woman will be exposed to lawsuits for discrimination if they refuse to carry out a same-sex marriage. It will undermine freedom of conscience and freedom of religion.

Mandatory Gender-Neutral School Uniforms

Lib Dems plan to require schools to introduce gender-neutral uniform policies (p75).  This is an attempt to force transgender ideology onto young children.

Decriminalisation of Drugs

Lib Dems plan to legalise access to cannabis with a legal, regulated market (p61). This will normalise recreational use of cannabis with the addiction and damage to mental health that frequently results.

Some good policies

There are a few policies that we welcome in the Lib Dem manifesto. We welcome the plan to restrict gambling advertising and to ban the use of credit cards for gambling (p56). We also welcome plans for an Ambassador-level Champion for Freedom of Belief (p95).

‘Contrary to science, medicine and common sense’

Andrea Williams, Chief Executive of Christian Concern said:

“Lib Dems plans to allow self-declaration of gender and non-binary gender identities are contrary to science, medicine, and common sense. It is an assault on the way humans are created – male and female. This will serve to undermine women’s rights in every area and add to the levels of gender confusion that we are already seeing in our society.

“Lib Dems plan to legalise killing of innocent babies in the womb for any reason will extend the inhuman slaughter of the innocent.

“We know that gender-selective abortions are already taking place in the UK. Lib Dems plan will be to legalise and therefore normalise this discriminatory practice. Lib Dems presumably believe that killing babies because they are girls is morally acceptable.

“Lib Dems seem set on destroying marriage and the family by introducing no-fault divorce and removing the marriage tax allowance, whilst extending legal rights to cohabiting couples. We know that marriage is the most stable and fulfilling relationship and the best environment for bringing up children. Lib Dems policies will result in further family failure.

“This manifesto aims at the destruction of the basic human norms of family and gender. It aims at the foundations of a civilised society.

“Lib Dems have shown their disrespect and intolerance for conscientious objection to extreme policy proposals in the deselection of Rob Flello. This manifesto cannot be supported by Christians of conscience.”

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