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Showing 102 search results for ' Street preacher'

‘The police went after her with a real zeal – but she was innocent’

Hazel Lewis, the first Christian woman to face trial for street preaching since a landmark free speech case in 1997, has been told that there was ‘no case to answer’ after she was arrested and prosecuted which preaching a Biblical message in North London in February 2020. Caroline Farrow, UK campaign director of CitizenGO, spoke ...

12 August 2021   Articles

Christian volunteer fined for helping homeless in lockdown

A Christian voluntary worker, fined by police for supporting the homeless and preaching during lockdown, has had a case against him dropped by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) because “it is not in the public interest.” Jan Niedojadlo, 56, from Taunton, who has been supported by the Christian Legal Centre, was fined £60 by Avon ...

4 June 2021   Articles

‘This is tantamount to harassment by the police’

Street preacher Mike Overd has won the freedom to keep sharing the gospel on the streets of Avon and Somerset. At a High Court hearing yesterday, the judge rejected a heavy-handed attempt by police to suppress his preaching with a civil injunction application. The police claimed that his preaching caused ‘significant risk or harm to ...

6 October 2020   Articles

Lessons from Spurgeon on coronavirus

Tim Dieppe takes a close look at how Charles Spurgeon preached during a cholera epidemic and what we can learn about how to respond to the coronavirus pandemic. Charles Spurgeon was one of the greatest preachers of the Victorian era. Known as the ‘Prince of Preachers’, it is estimated that he preached the gospel to ...

17 March 2020   Articles

Welsh diocese worships the god of Pride

Christian Concern’s Communication Manager Paul Huxley comments on the Diocese of Llandaff’s support for Pride Cymru. While English cathedrals host helter skelters and bishops fail to defend the unborn, we can rejoice that the Church of England has not yet sunk to the depth of the Church in Wales (which, though disestablished is also a member of the ...

23 August 2019   Articles

Believe in Christian sexual ethics? Then you have enemies

Paul Huxley, Communications Manager at Christian Concern, argues that Christians cannot avoid hostility from the world while remaining faithful on issues of sexuality and gender. But what can Christians do to be prepared? If you hold to a biblically faithful position on sexuality and gender, you have enemies. I don’t know anyone who wants to ...

16 November 2018   Articles
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