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Showing 102 search results for ' Street preacher'

Christian preacher challenges arrest for protesting Islam

Tomorrow at the High Court, a Christian preacher will appeal a ruling which upheld his arrest outside Southwark Cathedral for displaying placards which protested against Islam in the wake of terrorist attacks. Following one complaint from a member of the public, Ian Sleeper, 57, who is being supported by the Christian Legal Centre, was surrounded ...

7 May 2024   Articles

Preacher to appeal conviction for holding Bible verse sign

A Christian preacher has been found guilty of breaching a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) for holding a sign with a verse from the Bible on it outside of an abortion clinic. Stephen Green, 72, from South Wales, was prosecuted by Ealing Council under section 67 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 ...

2 February 2024   Articles

Preacher awaits verdict for holding Bible verse sign in buffer zone

On February 1 2024, at Uxbridge Magistrates’ Court in London, a Christian preacher will learn if he will be criminalised for holding a sign with a verse from the Bible’s renowned Psalm 139 on it within a ‘buffer zone’ outside of an abortion clinic. Stephen Green, 72, from South Wales, was prosecuted by Ealing Council ...

31 January 2024   Articles

Preacher faces prosecution for displaying Psalm 139 in ‘buffer zone’

This Friday at Uxbridge Magistrates’ Court, a Christian preacher and campaigner faces potentially being sent to prison for six months for holding a sign with a verse from the Bible’s renowned Psalm 139 on it within a ‘buffer zone’ outside of a London abortion clinic. Stephen Green, 72, from South Wales, was prosecuted by Ealing Council ...

18 January 2024   Articles

Teaching assistant wins £7,000 settlement after sacking for street preaching

A Christian teaching assistant has won a £7,000 legal settlement from a school in Leeds after he was sacked for street preaching in his spare time. Supported by the Christian Legal Centre, Mr Andy Nix, 65, took legal action against Temple Moor High School in Leeds after he was sacked without notice for taking part ...

11 January 2024   Articles

Preacher arrested for protesting Islam wins chance to appeal

On 20 November, a Christian preacher won permission to appeal a ruling which upheld his arrest outside Southwark Cathedral, London, after his displaying of placards which protested against Islam in the wake of terrorist attacks. Following one complaint from a member of the public, Ian Sleeper, 57, was surrounded by four officers and arrested on ...

20 November 2023   Articles

Christian preacher prosecuted over Bible verse in buffer zone

A Christian preacher and campaigner faces being sent to prison for six months for holding a sign with a verse from the Bible’s renowned Psalm 139 on it within a ‘buffer zone’ outside of a London abortion clinic. Stephen Green, 72, from South Wales, was prosecuted by Ealing Council under section 67 of the Anti-Social ...

16 October 2023   Articles

‘Misgendering’ is not a crime: support preacher convicted for ‘misgendering’

Did you know you could be fined £620 and forced to do 80 hours of community service for ‘misgendering’ someone? In June 2021, Dave McConnell was preaching in Leeds when a ‘trans woman’ asked him whether God accepted the LGBT community, answering truthfully and Scripturally. However, after members of the crowd shouted, swore and made ...

7 March 2023   Articles

Preacher wins after claim parts of Bible ‘no longer acceptable’

A criminal prosecution against a street preacher arrested for an alleged ‘hate crime’ has been dropped in which the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) argued that parts of the Bible are ‘abusive’ and ‘no longer appropriate in modern society.’ John Dunn, 55, a cancer survivor from Swindon who has served in the British Army’s Special Forces, ...

22 November 2022   Articles

Christian preacher’s Covid regs case dropped

The first Christian preacher to fall foul of coronavirus laws during the first English lockdown, has had the case against him dropped by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). The loss of religious freedom due to coronavirus regulations during the pandemic has been hotly contested, most notably in the successful judicial review of Scottish restrictions on ...

9 September 2021   Articles

Preacher to pursue legal action against police after Easter arrest and fine

A judge has ruled that it was right for the police to arrest and fine a Christian volunteer for breaking Covid regulations by street preaching on Easter Sunday. Andrew Sathiyavan, 46, who is being supported by the Christian Legal Centre, was arrested on Sutton High Street in south London on Easter Sunday 2020 after being told ...

1 July 2021   Articles

Free to preach the gospel on the streets of Greenwich

“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: ‘How beautiful are the feet ...

16 April 2021   Articles

Court to hear four Christian preachers’ case against police after brutal arrests

This Monday, four Christian preachers, known as ‘the Bristol Four’, will challenge Avon and Somerset Police over their brutal arrests following a dramatic incident in July 2016. Beginning on Monday 7 December at Bristol County Court, Mike Overd, Don Karns, Mike Stockwell and AJ Clarke will bring claims against the police for: assault, false imprisonment, ...

4 December 2020   Articles

Police remove preacher from Speakers’ Corner

Tim Dieppe comments on the recent removal by police of preacher Hatun Tash at Hyde Park’s Speakers’ Corner. ‘The home of free speech’ Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park has long been a bastion of free speech in the UK. It is reputed to be the most famous location for free speech in the world. A ...

26 September 2020   Articles

Christian preacher arrested in Barking for hate speech has charges dropped

Christian Legal Centre client, Pastor David Lynn, was released on Wednesday (21 March) without charge after being arrested outside Barking Tube Station on 20 March 2018 for preaching the gospel. David was held at Fresh Wharf Custody Base in Barking for over 20 hours, during which he was questioned by the police under caution. Preached ...

23 March 2018   Articles

Preaching, not breaching the peace

On Wednesday 31 July, a group of Christian street preachers, including street preacher Oluwole Ilesanmi, delivered our street preacher petition to the Home Office, New Scotland Yard and the London Assembly.

6 August 2019   Articles

No one has a recruitment list like Jesus

True freedom is found in Jesus, and this is evidenced by the broad range of people who have turned their lives around in order to follow him True freedom is found only in following Jesus. Nothing and no one boasts the width and length and height and depth of transforming love that Jesus has (Eph. ...

28 June 2024   Articles

Responding to Reform’s Contract with the People

Our Head of Public Policy Tim Dieppe gives his assessment of the policies in Reform UK’s Contract with the People Reform UK released what it calls its Contract With the People on Monday. As one might expect from a party less likely to take power, it contains some radical policy proposals. Family Reform proposes to ...

18 June 2024   Articles

Councillor faced police threats for free speech beliefs

A democratically elected Conservative councillor launched a formal complaint to the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) after officers threatened to storm a council building and arrest him if he attended a planning committee meeting. An unprecedented story, the complaint launched by Cllr Anthony Stevens, 51, from Wellingborough, called for an investigation into ‘the methods, ...

20 May 2024   Articles

The Challenge of Islam in the UK

Head of Public Policy Tim Dieppe outlines the distinct challenges raised by Islam in the UK and how Christians can productively respond There is no doubt that Islam poses a challenge to Christians living in the UK. It is growing in influence and has political as well as religious ambitions. Islam is already threatening our ...

10 May 2024   Articles

Hate crime: is it worse in Scotland than in England and Wales?

Roger Kiska, Legal Counsel to the Christian Legal Centre, analyses how Scotland’s new hate crime law compares to the law in England and Wales In 2021, the Scottish Parliament passed the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021 which, largely because of concerns relating to the bill and the introduction of new amendments, did ...

25 April 2024   Articles

Win for two Christians arrested for preaching next to LGBT flags

The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has dropped a case against two street preachers who faced being criminalised following arrests for refusing to stop preaching from the Bible on Glastonbury High Street. Mr John Dunn and Mr Shaun O’Sullivan, who are being supported by the Christian Legal Centre, were arrested by officers wearing rainbow lanyards under ...

6 March 2024   Articles

Police weaponise PSPO to threaten arrest and shut down Christian preaching

The Met Police have threatened to arrest Christian preachers accusing them of ‘hate crime’ and breaching anti-social behaviour legislation for preaching from the Bible in Uxbridge, London. The story and viral footage comes after the London Borough of Hillingdon used a Public Spaces Protection Order in Uxbridge Town Centre to clamp down on Christian street preaching. ...

15 February 2024   Articles

2023 highlights: Here’s what you’ve made happen

Andrea Williams, our Chief Executive, shares the highlights of 2023 for Christian Concern and the Christian Legal Centre, which supporters’ prayers, donations and advocacy have played a major role in bringing to fruition. As 2024 is upon us, I would like to personally thank you for your invaluable support for Christian Concern and the Christian ...

8 January 2024   Articles
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