Standing for Christ-centred education in Scotland

15 February 2024

Unite for Education’s Niel Deepnarain reflects on January’s education conference in Glasgow

Last month, Glasgow hosted our Unite for Education conference to equip leaders, parents, pastors, guardians, and teachers in Scotland to take action in the pursuit of a Christ-centred education.

We were thankful to have Christian Concern join us on the day, and attendees appreciated the opportunity to meet and chat with Rebecca Bensted from the Christian Legal Centre.

Rebecca spoke about current issues affecting education, and how Christian Concern is supporting students, parents, guardians, and teachers to stand for truth in the education sector.

We are greatly concerned that the education system is focused more on indoctrinating with a secular worldview rather than educating children to give them the best start in life. But there is power in unity, as we strive together to bring Christian education to the forefront once more. Together, we can demonstrate how to educate children biblically and reject the harmful agenda that has come into schools.

Unite for Education is a movement for those who want to see change for the better in Scottish education. To see many come together at this conference brought hope that change for better education is possible for the children of Scotland.

Jesus Christ at the centre of education

At Unite for Education we want to see Christ-centred education established in Scotland.

We envision an education system that puts Jesus Christ at the centre, in a system that will encourage children to thrive, equip them for life in an increasingly secular world, and enable them to make a profound impact on society.

A month on from the conference, our work continues as we build on various opportunities coming up to build together.

If we don’t speak on these core issues affecting our society, then who will? Change begins with us. Identity is the battle and language is the battleground. The language we use to communicate the truth is important and it must be done in love. But we have to stand with boldness, because children being forced to believe untruths is a form of abuse.

Things have to change. We have to stand together and not allow ’activists’ to do what they want and teach what they want to our kids without serious intellectual debate. We can make that difference together.

It is dangerous when God’s people don’t stand for the truth, but we are in a position to change that.

That’s why Unite for Education is here in Scotland; to bring unity, and to work together for the good of this generation, and the next, and the next.

Spreading the flames of spiritual ambition

“I really appreciated the conference. I gained from the encouragement, the opportunity to see more of what was going on in the nation and the chance to connect more with those who are of a similar heart and mind. It further highlighted to me the importance of seeing Christian Education grow and expand in this country – to uphold and glorify His ways. To raise up a next generation to stand up for Truth and bring glory to His Name.”

– Rachel MeIdrum – Headteacher at Regius School.


“I was very inspired! It was great to see so many people under one roof that all had the same burning vision for Christian Education. There was so much positivity as testimony after testimony demonstrated growth and success, and a spreading of the flames of this spiritual ambition. I was especially pleased that the Scottish Family Party was there, and to hear Richard’s deep commitment politically to this irresistible movement was very refreshing. I loved Andrew Brady’s involvement as he led the afternoon throughout as the MC, and the location was very suitable to the needs of just about everyone present. I cannot wait to see what’s to come.”

– Pastor David Richardson – ViZion Church.


The Unite for Education conference was such a worthwhile event. It provided an opportunity for encouragement and it revived our vision for better, Christ-centred, and parent-led education in Scotland. There were quite a few speakers, but each one of them had something worthwhile to share. I was impressed by the many vibrant Christian homeschool co-ops. It was also refreshing to hear from all the different schools and compare notes. The talk by Pastor Dave made an impact on me as it highlighted in such detail how much Scottish mainstream education has deteriorated. How wonderful to have so many alternatives available for Scottish Christian families! I pray many Christian parents will have a chance to view the talks online and realise it is time for them to take back their God-given right to take the lead in the education of their children, instead of leaving this responsibility to the government.

– Inge van Delft – Teacher at Mannafields Christian School.

We, the Church, are to help build the Christian schools. We are to help with funding. We are to speak about the various Christian schools and groups that are available. We are to inform others they exist, and support them in prayer, finances, time, and so on. Now is the time for action.

We are already planning more events, working on speaking engagements and exhibiting at various events across Scotland and beyond. Christ-centred education is vital, and it’s needed in our nation more than ever before.

We must address the confusion, and we must not give up. We must keep standing, and we must not let any form of deception have air to breathe. The truth always wins, and it’s our job to stand on its side together.

It’s our job to be faithful. And we will trust God in his job to change hearts, minds, and societies.

Link to the talks from the conference

Unite for Education website 

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