Free speech victory would ‘make it all worth it’

30 September 2024

The case of Kristie Higgs, to be heard at the Court of Appeal this week, could provide vital free speech protections for Christians.
Communications Manager Paul Huxley spoke to Kristie ahead of the case to see how God has been working in and through her.

It’s nearly six years since the first Facebook post you made, about relationships and sex education being made mandatory (24 October 2018). Did it even cross your mind that you could get into trouble at work for the post?

Yes, six years: the length of time I worked at the school! That’s a long time.

It never crossed my mind that I could lose my job for innocently sharing two Facebook posts for information purposes to my family and friends. If they wanted to click on it, they could: they didn’t have to.

I had a genuine love and concern for my family and friends’ children. I thought sharing information on Facebook is what people do. I never thought it would lead to this.

Thankfully, more people are now aware of the type of materials that are going into primary schools and being taught to very young children.

This is because many media platforms have publicised this information, leading to discussions in Parliament and other public spheres.

What I shared six years ago was just the start of many posts and conversations that others would eventually have. This proves to me that the concerns I had were legitimate.

After the complaint was made, you were pulled into a meeting where the head teacher read out a letter saying you were suspended. They started an investigation into you, then you went through a six-hour interrogation just before Christmas. What helped you get through this period?

I had help from God. My faith in him has got me through all the challenges I have faced, from the day I was suspended until now.

A few months beforehand, I believe God told me something was going to happen. Although I didn’t know what it would be, he told me to tell my sister so she was a witness. I know he was preparing me.

On the morning before I was summoned into the school office, he gave me a verse which says, “I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou has a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.” (Revelation 3:8, KJV)

I didn’t put it all together until the day after I was sent home, but I know this verse and the sense of preparation I had earlier encouraged me to stay strong and not deny God in the face of opposition.

By his grace, God has put many people on my path to help me. From the very beginning, my family, my pastor, and even students from the secondary school I worked at gave me encouraging words, flowers, and even a hug in the middle of the street!

A few weeks later, the Lord led me to Christian Concern and the Christian Legal Centre. They have been by my side ever since and have supported me and my family through all of this.

Truly, the Lord has carried me through from the start.

What have things been like for you since you lost your job, and how have you been encouraged?

It is written that we are not to be afraid but to be strong and of good courage because God will provide. He has provided me with another job, which I thoroughly enjoy.

Throughout this time, I have grown in my faith and have learnt what faith really is. Faith is believing and trusting in God’s word and putting it into action.

I thank all those at Christian Concern and Christian Legal Centre for standing up and being faithful to our Father in Heaven and supporting me to do the same.

I’ve been really encouraged by all those who have prayed for me and my family, and for this case and others. The Lord hears our prayers.

Also, the Christian Concern community sent me so many encouraging emails and letters that it took me some time to read them! Oh, how wonderful God is. I often read the emails and letters as they really encourage and strengthen me, especially running up to the court proceedings as it’s like I’m living it all over again.

There are Christians being supported by the Christian Legal Centre now that are just starting off on similar journeys, being disciplined or losing their jobs in similar circumstances. What would you say to them?

As the world is becoming more and more wicked, we must stand on God’s word.

As John 17:17 (KJV) says, “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.”

We are a light to the nations in this dark world. We are to shine brightly to help others to come to the knowledge of the truth. The Lord’s righteousness and holiness will always stand.

Jesus said, “‘If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Matt 16:24-26, KJV)

Jesus also said, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33, KJV)

We must be faithful and remember Ephesians 6:12 (KJV): “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

Since 2018, there has been a huge change in the public awareness about the damaging effects of gender ideology on children, and the ways that school materials have contributed to the problem. The previous Conservative government even seemed to acknowledge the failure of mandatory relationships education by making plans to put age limits on what is taught in these lessons at school. Do you feel like you’ve been partly vindicated already?

Yes, praise God people’s eyes have been opened.

This information wasn’t in mainstream news in 2018, but now more and more people are recognising the concerns and issues being raised. Many more people now see that we need to protect our children from being exposed to this content at such a young age.

From the beginning, I always said that this case was not about me: I believe the Lord is using this situation to warn people of the times we are living in.

He has used a hard situation to bring about important public awareness and start the process of preserving our freedom and protecting the innocence of our children.

As Joseph said, “But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.” (Genesis 50:20, KJV)

God will be glorified. His righteousness and holiness will always stand. I hope and pray many more eyes will be opened and the children will be protected!

Despite all the delays, your case may lead to stronger protections for Christians and others in the workplace. What would that mean to you?

It would be a blessing to have freedom, to not be silenced for our personal convictions, and to not be in bondage by being forced to believe or think a certain way.

I hope that my story can encourage others to have the confidence to be able to stand and share biblical truth, which is the word of our Almighty God who created all things.

If my case is successful, I will be so grateful to have been able to play a part in making these stronger protections a reality for others.

It has been really tough going through this whole process but knowing that my hardship will potentially make a huge difference in others’ lives would make it all worth it.

Christian Concern and the Christian Legal Centre have supported Kristie’s case for five years. We need your help to keep supporting Kristie and other Christians like her.

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Find out more about Kristie Higgs
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