Press Release

Kristie Higgs gives statement ahead of crucial Court of Appeal hearing

2 October 2024         Issued by: Christian Concern

The crucial appeal of Kristie Higgs has begun at the Court of Appeal this morning.

Kristie’s case, which has been supported by the Christian Legal Centre for over five years, will set important legal precedent for free speech and the freedom of Christians to live out their faith in the UK.

In 2019, Kristie was sacked for gross misconduct and had her Christian beliefs compared to neo-Nazism for sharing concern about extreme Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and transgender ideology being introduced to her son’s Church of England primary school.

The Court of Appeal will determine whether it is lawful for an employer to punish employees for private social media posts expressing Christian beliefs and morality.

The case has significant ramifications for Christian freedom in the workplace and the freedom of any employee to express biblical principles on marriage and family, some of which may express opposition to LGBTQI+ ideology, in public or private, without the fear of losing their livelihoods.

Giving a statement outside of the Royal Courts of Justice this morning, Mrs Higgs, said:

“In October 2018, I shared two private Facebook posts to raise awareness of the gender ideology that was going to be taught to young children in schools.

Because of those posts, I lost my job.

This week, the Court of Appeal has a chance to put that right.

On one level, I’ve already been vindicated. The public, the media and politicians have woken up to the problems with telling young boys and girls that they might be born in the wrong body.

But I’ve been waiting five years for the courts to bring justice in my case.

My posts reflect biblical true Christian teaching on gender and sexuality. I am not alone to be treated this way – many of the others here to support me today have faced similar consequences.

This is not just about me. It cannot be right that so many Christians are losing their jobs or facing discipline for sharing biblical truth, our Christian beliefs..

I’m thankful to Andrea Williams, Christian Concern and the Christian Legal Centre. Without them and everyone who supports them, I could never have come this far.

I’m also deeply grateful to my family and all those who have been by my side and those who stand for truth.

But most of all, I’m thankful to God for sustaining me.

I pray that, because of my case, more Christians will be emboldened to share the goodness of God, wherever they are.

Thank you.”

You can follow the hearing remotely on YouTube.

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