Press Release

Darlington nurses launch first of its kind Trade Union to defend rights and dignity of biological women in the workplace

3 October 2024         Issued by: Christian Concern

NHS nurses have launched the Darlington Nursing Union (DNU) after a hospital forced them to undress in front of a man who ‘identifies’ as a woman but openly says he is sexually active with his girlfriend.

The story is front page news today.

NHS policies used by Darlington Memorial Hospital permit anyone who says they are female to use the staff female changing rooms.

One of the nurses who has experienced sexual abuse in the past has had panic attacks and been in tears before starting work in high stakes hospital wards.

27 female nurses signed a collective letter to the Hospital’s management in March 2024, protesting that they find having to undress in front of a biological male distressing and humiliating.

Since raising concerns, nurses at the hospital have been repeatedly ignored and told by HR they need to be ‘more inclusive’ and ‘broaden their mindset.’

Supported by the Christian Legal Centre, in June five nurses, Bethany Hutchison, Lisa Lockey, Annice Grundy, Tracey Hooper and Joanne Bradbury, went public with their landmark legal case against County Durham and Darlington Memorial Trust.

Extensive public support has followed with the nurses dubbed the Darling Darlington Five and comparisons made with the Ford Dagenham workers.

Despite fan mail and high-profile backing, for example from JK Rowling and Olympic swimmer, Sharon Davies, they have continued, however, to face further harassment, threats and pressure from the hospital and Trust.

Instead of resolving the issue, the hospital has given the nurses a ‘temporary’ and ‘humiliating’ office to change in. The man who identifies as a woman and calls himself ‘Rose’ continues to use the female changing room.

Faced with no alternative, the nurses have now launched their own trade union to defend the rights and dignity of women at the workplace.

The union is founded by nurses working at Day Surgery Unit at Darlington Memorial Hospital. However, the rules of the Union permit membership applications from anyone working in the UK who agrees with its foundational principles, which are as follows:

  1. Equality and respect for all workers regardless of their protected characteristics (including both gender reassignment and biological sex).
  2. Securing and defending workers’ rights, dignity and decency at the workplace (including in particular access to safe single-sex areas for changing and hygiene, and protecting women from inappropriate exposure to members of the opposite biological sex).
  3. The right to raise concerns about any genuine workplace issues without fear of retribution, and to have such concerns addressed promptly, constructively and reasonably.

The DNU is believed to be the first union of its kind, in that it is expressly founded on ‘gender-critical’ principle of defending the rights and dignity of women defined by reference to biological sex. The DNU has written to the management of Darlington Memorial Hospital asking to be recognised as representing the interests of the nurses in all negotiations with management over the issue of a single-sex changing room for women.

The letter states that the working conditions at the Hospital remain wholly unacceptable in that respect and require urgent action.

DNU has also written to Professor Nicola Ranger, the General Secretary and Chief Executive of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN), which is the biggest nursing trade union in the UK, asking for affiliation with RCN and for its support.

The launch of the DNU comes after concerning statements from the Trade Union Congress this week, where they said they would not support workers’ rights if they did not align with their political views.

This is about protecting all women

Following the launch, Bethany Hutchison who is now President of the DNU, said“We fully respect the rights of people with a genuine gender reassignment, but those do not override the rights of women and the recognition of biological sex as a protected characteristic. The rights and dignity of women should be protected, including the elementary right to have exclusive access to single-sex changing rooms.

“Women who do not want to undress in front of a sexually active biological male have been told they need to be re-educated, be more inclusive and open their minds. This is unacceptable and must be challenged.

“We say to women out there across the NHS and other professions: you do not have to suffer on your own in silence. You don’t have to give in to bullying and harassment or lying about scientific truth. Join us or start your own union which protects your rights in the workplace. This is not just about protecting us, but about protecting sisters, mums, wives and daughters from these dangerous policies.”

Andrea Williams, chief executive of the Christian Legal Centre, said:

“This is a great and innovative way forward for workers who feel disenfranchised and without a voice.

“The Darlington Nursing Union provides a new vision and voice for truth, equity and  justice. The Darlington Nursing Union will demonstrate what it really means  to be tolerant, kind and fair on these issues in the workplace.

“We encourage as many workers as possible who believe in scientific reality to join the union or start their own.”

“Today’s Unions appear not to understand Christianity and the benefits it brings to society. This is why we need a new kind of Union to advocate for honest, hardworking people who find themselves on the wrong side of the political discourse; a Union that will help nurses who simply believe in reality.”

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