
We encourage the Church to be confident in the good news for life given by God, and campaign for her freedom to declare it publicly.

The Church – God’s people, united in Christ – is the household of God on Earth (Eph. 2:19); a place where people from every tribe, language and nation are called to join together, trusting in Jesus and shining as stars (Phil. 2:15) however dark the circumstances.

But for all this diversity, we are called to be united as followers of Christ, doing all that Jesus commanded (Matt 28:20).

We don’t always live up to this standard. In fact, there are many people who call themselves Christian who don’t truly follow Jesus or his teaching, particularly when it goes against the grain of culture. The areas of sexuality and gender have been particularly contentious in recent years as church denominations revise their doctrine or practice to allow – or even endorse – behaviours that contradict the Bible’s teaching.

The Church of England is particularly significant; and as the established church, its stance and practice on issues of morality is still highly influential in society and often cited in legal cases. There are many faithful Christians across the Church of England, even in senior roles, but the institution has not consistently been shining the light of God’s truth to the wider world.

It’s not only that Christians allow error within churches (institutions) – it’s that Christians too often lack confidence to bring hope to the world. The gospel is good news; most importantly because it brings us eternal life, but also because we begin to think and live in line with God’s design for our lives. God doesn’t call us only to change our ‘religious’ practices but to see every area of our lives, and indeed the world, transformed.

Christian Concern seeks to help Christians and churches bring the hope of Jesus to the world. We campaign to see churches protected rather than hindered in law and public policy, and help churches live up to their calling through proclaiming the gospel with faith and demonstrating the love of Christ to the world.



Churchianity or Christianity?


The Mission of God

Key articles

The Church must repent of being ‘just another club’

Freedom, the Church and state absolutism

Is the Church non-essential?

Key videos

‘Leaving the Church of England was necessary to maintain and promote the faith’

Key cases

Church lockdown

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