Should Christians accept the Covid vaccine?



Event Details

17 March 2021
18:00 - 19:00

As the government continues its roll out of the Covid-19 vaccines, never has discussion about the ethics and safety of vaccines been quite so prominent. One question many Christians are asking is if they should accept vaccines that have been developed using fetal cell lines. What does this really mean, that fetal cells have been used? Is it ethical? How should Christians respond?

Christian Concern will be hosting a debate which aims to give answers to these questions. Join us on Wednesday 17 March as our Head of Public Policy, Tim Dieppe, chairs a debate between Dave Brennan (Brephos UK) and Professor John Wyatt (Emeritus Professor of Neonatal Paediatrics at University College London and President of the Christian Medical Fellowship).

This event will be streamed live on YouTube. Please invite your family and friends to this; this is one debate not to miss.

To find out more about the discussion on vaccines and read arguments from all sides of the debate, you can find out more in Vaccines: safety, ethics and the bigger picture.

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