Equipping a generation to live out their faith



Event Details

28 August 2021
11:50 - 15:00

As our society has become increasingly secular, sharing the gospel with those around us has become increasingly harder. Christian Concern is especially passionate about equipping our next generation to be bold for Jesus in their workplaces, universities and home lives.

If you’re a young adult passionate about serving Jesus in whatever vocation you’re in,  then join Wilberforce Academy Development Officer Ben John at an online event organised by London Metropolitan Forum. If you know young adults who want to know more about how to live out their faith in the spheres God has placed them in, why not invite them along?

There will also be an opportunity to hear more about the Wilberforce Academy, our week-long residential programme aimed at students and young professionals to equip them for servant-hearted, Christ-centred leadership in their communities, churches and workplaces.

This event will take place on Zoom and can be accessed using these details:
Zoom ID: 82828017066
Passcode: 260126

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