Political perspective: addressing Islam and free speech

St Luke's Church, Wimbledon


Event Details

2 October 2021
09:00 - 17:30
St Luke's Church, Ryfold Road, Wimbledon
SW18 9BZ

How should Christian politicians address the issues of Islam and free speech? How can we encourage our representatives in Parliament to return to the Truth?

Christian political party, the Christian People’s Alliance (CPA), “seeks to demonstrate God’s love and God’s holiness and truth in the political world.” Join in for its annual assembly 2021, as the party addresses ‘returning to the truth’ in the political world.

The Christian Legal Centre’s Navaid Syed will be speaking at the conference to update members for the CPA, and others who are interested, on how those at the helm of political authority can best address the issues of Islam and freedom of speech.

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