Beyond the Odds


Event Details

11 November 2021
19:00 - 20:00

Wilberforce Publications is pleased to announce the launch of Beyond the Odds – Providence in Britain’s Wars of the 20th Century, by John Scriven and Tim Dieppe.

Join us LIVE for the online book launch on YouTube, and also on our Facebook page on 11 November – Remembrance Day. You will be able to interact with the authors live by posting your comments and questions in the chat section.

Let us know you’re coming via Eventbrite.

About the book

At many times in the two World Wars, Britain was saved from disaster in circumstances that defied probabilities. There were sudden changes in the weather, inexplicable mistakes in strategy and tactics by the enemy and other extraordinary events. Using contemporary sources, and referencing the faith of commanders and national days of prayer, Beyond the Odds provides fresh perspectives on momentous occurrences while exploring:

  • The beginning of the First World War and the ‘Angels of Mons’ in 1914
  • The capture of Jerusalem in 1917, and the near defeats before the victories of 1918
  • The fall of France, the Dunkirk evacuation and the Battle of Britain in 1940
  • The war in North Africa, Italy, Russia and the Pacific (1941-43) and D-Day (1944)
  • The survival of Malta, Churchill’s Christianity and the 1982 Falkland conflict.

The authors do not shrink from the calamities of war and describe failures as well as successes, but the resilience of the wartime generations shines through.

Extracts from commendations

“I am delighted to commend this account which faithfully documents the wartime providence of God, in a previous unseen level of detail and historical credibility. My prayer is that this book will enable many to acknowledge the hand of God in many of the epic events that have so powerfully shaped our nation’s identity. Equally I hope this testimony inspires us to believe that in our own time, as our nation is once again faced with many troubles, everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved’ (Romans 10:13).”
Major General (retd) Tim Cross CBE

“The authors have given themselves an unusual and noble aim – to examine the causes of key events in wars involving Britain in the 20th century and to consider how prayer and the providence of God could have affected outcomes. They have assembled cogent evidence to suggest that God-fearing military men were sustained in challenging responsibilities and that the prayers of the Lord’s people were honoured and effective. … Time spent in reading this work will not be wasted.”
Brigadier (retd) Ian Dobbie, OBE

About the authors

John Scriven read history and law at Trinity College, Cambridge and served as Captain in 6/7 Battalion (Territorial Army), The Queen’s Regiment. His books include Belief and the Nation (2013).

Tim Dieppe studied at St Edmund Hall, Oxford and later obtained an MA in Kingdom Theology from Westminster Theological Centre. He now serves as Head of Public Policy for Christian Concern.

About the event

To celebrate the launch, Christian Concern invites you to an evening online with authors John Scriven and Tim Dieppe. We’ll be speaking to them both about the reasons they wrote this book and why it’s important for us today. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from history and be expectant for God to move in similar ways in the days of darkness we face today.

You can read more from the authors in Christian Today.

Beyond the Odds is now available to order from the Amazon store.

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