Victoria Culf

Victoria Culf was cancelled and reported to the police for saying that it is harmful for children to try and change their sex.

Victoria Culf, a Christian artist, was banned from her own exhibition and reported to the police for saying in a casual conversation, while making a cup of tea, that it is harmful for children to try and change their sex.

The case comes after the NHS announced a ban on puberty blockers being prescribed for children.

Victoria said: “I am determined to fight for justice and to speak about what has happened to me. I believe there are probably many other Christian artists, and artists from all walks of life, who have been treated similarly and have had to suffer in silence.”

With the support of the Christian Legal Centre, Victoria is taking legal action against the local council which banned her from her own exhibition. She will also seek a retraction of the allegations made to be given to all parties, and a commitment by the council that nothing like this will happen again.

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