Lent prayer campaign: join us in resisting suicide

28 February 2025

Assisted suicide can still be stopped from becoming law.

The bill committee continued to meet this week, rejecting more amendments that could have made the bill safer. It’s increasingly clear that the cheerleaders for assisted suicide are not taking seriously enough concerns that vulnerable people would be pressured into death.

MPs and others who previously supported the bill are taking note. It will only take a small number to change their minds or abstain to stop assisted suicide at the bill’s third reading.

But we need to pray.

This Lent, could you take one minute every day to pray that assisted suicide would not be legalised in this nation?

Starting on Wednesday 5 March and throughout Lent, we will share short daily prayer points on social media and through our emails so that you can pray for one minute, once every day, against assisted suicide.

We will also host prayer livestreams every Wednesday from 12:30-1pm on our YouTube channel, where together we will pray that the assisted suicide bill will be defeated.

You will see more information on our social media channels next week. For now, we ask this question:

How might God respond if his church rises up to pray against assisted suicide?

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