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Showing 44 search results for ' Street preacher'

Win for street preachers arrested for Bible preaching outside ‘Witchcraft Emporium’ flying LGBTQI flags in Glastonbury

The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has dropped a case against two street preachers who faced being criminalised following arrests for refusing to stop preaching from the Bible on Glastonbury High Street.

6 March 2024   Press Office

WIN for street preacher reported to Prevent for ‘misgendering’ as judge overturns conviction

Today a Judge has overturned the conviction of a Christian street preacher who was arrested and reported to Prevent for 'misgendering' a member of the public. 

9 March 2023   Press Office

First street preacher arrested and reported to counter-terrorism for ‘misgendering’ to appeal conviction

A Christian lettings agent who became the first street preacher to be prosecuted and reported to counter-terrorism for alleged ‘misgendering’, is set to appeal his conviction this week at Leeds Crown Court.

7 March 2023   Press Office

Heckler turned street preacher found not guilty after police arrest for ‘hate speech’

A Christian preacher who was arrested for criticising Muhammad and Buddha has been found not guilty following a court hearing.

2 November 2022   Press Office

Bristol street preachers win permission to appeal over police arrests

Four Christian preachers have won the right to appeal a judgment that ruled they had been lawfully arrested for preaching in Bristol City Centre.

19 October 2021   Press Office

Magistrates rule street preachers were entitled to evangelise and gather during lockdown

London magistrates have thrown out a case against a Christian preacher, who was fined and prosecuted by the Metropolitan police for evangelising on Good Friday, 2020.

23 July 2021   Press Office

“I was treated like a potential criminal”: Police issue first pay out to street preacher for heavy handedness during lockdown

A Christian charity leader has been given the first lockdown related compensation award from police after being manhandled and unlawfully prevented from preaching on the back of his truck.

26 October 2020   Press Office

Met Police pays damages to Nigerian street preacher after wrongful arrest

A Christian street preacher has been offered £2,500 in exemplary damages from the Metropolitan Police in relation to his false arrest, imprisonment and unlawful detention. In February, a video showing the aggressive arrest of Pastor Oluwole Ilesanmi (64) was watched by millions around the world, prompting outrage. Officers were shown forcibly handcuffing the preacher, claiming ...

28 July 2019   Press Office

Christian street preachers acquitted of public order offences

Two Christian street preachers have today been acquitted of public order offences, after being convicted in February in what was described as a "modern day heresy trial".

29 June 2017   Press Office

Christian street preacher acquitted after facing public order offence charge

Another street preacher who was charged under the Public Order Act 1986, after allegedly entering a discussion with two passers-by about homosexuality, has been acquitted.

12 July 2017   Press Office

Victory for street preacher held in cell for 13 hours for sharing love for Muslims and truth of Islam

A Christian street preacher who was arrested on 23 June and held for 13 hours in a police cell, after displaying placards depicting love for Muslims and criticising the ideology of Islam, has this week been informed by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) that no charges will be brought against him.

16 August 2017   Press Office

Christian street preacher cleared of hate speech conviction

A Christian street preacher has had his conviction for using ‘threatening and discriminatory language’ whilst preaching in Lincoln overturned yesterday (7 December) by the Crown Court. Daniel Courney, aged 33, had appealed against a decision by Lincoln Magistrates on 14 September after the CPS pressed charges over complaints by Muslims in the area.

8 December 2017   Press Office

Two street preachers interviewed for hate speech in Camberley, Surrey have all charges dropped

A Reading street preacher of 30 years (Dave Barker) and co-preacher (Stephen Wan) have had all charges dropped against them.

16 January 2018   Press Office

Police caught out by street preacher evidence

The story of a Christian street preacher, whose video of arrest went viral across the world, has caught out the Metropolitan Police, who have had to change their story about what happened.

13 March 2019   Press Office

Street preacher wins Easter Sunday Covid arrest case

Today, after a two-year legal battle, a Crown Court Judge has vindicated a Christian volunteer worker who was arrested, detained in a police cell and issued with a Covid fine for preaching and supporting the homeless during lockdown. 

30 May 2022   Press Office

Street preacher to appeal Easter Sunday covid fine after police arrest

Tomorrow, a Christian volunteer will appeal a covid fine he received after being arrested for preaching and supporting the homeless on Easter Sunday 2020.

23 May 2022   Press Office

Street preachers convicted for quoting Bible in ‘modern day heresy trial’

Two street preachers have been convicted of public order offences, after a public prosecutor claimed that quoting parts of the King James Bible in the context of modern British society "must be considered to be abusive and is a criminal matter".

28 February 2017   Press Office

High Court to hear appeal of Christian preacher arrested for protesting Islam outside London cathedral

Tomorrow at the High Court, a Christian preacher will appeal a ruling which upheld his arrest outside Southwark Cathedral for displaying placards which protested against Islam in the wake of terrorist attacks.

7 May 2024   Press Office

Christian preacher to appeal conviction for holding sign with Bible verse in abortion clinic ‘buffer zone’

A Christian preacher has been found guilty of breaching a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) for holding a sign with a verse from the Bible on it outside of an abortion clinic.

2 February 2024   Press Office

Christian preacher faces prosecution for holding sign with Bible verse in abortion clinic ‘buffer zone’

This Friday at Uxbridge Magistrates' Court, a Christian preacher and campaigner faces potentially being sent to prison for six months for holding a sign with a verse from the Bible’s renowned Psalm 139 on it within a ‘buffer zone’ outside of a London abortion clinic.

18 January 2024   Press Office

Christian teaching assistant WINS £7,000 settlement after sacking for street preaching

A Christian teaching assistant has won an £7,000 legal settlement from a school in Leeds after he was sacked for street preaching in his spare time.

11 January 2024   Press Office

Christian preacher arrested for placards protesting Islam after terrorist attack wins chance to appeal

Today a Christian preacher has won permission to appeal a ruling which upheld his arrest outside Southwark Cathedral in London for displaying placards protesting Islam in the wake of terrorist attacks.

20 November 2023   Press Office

Christian preacher faces prosecution for holding sign with Bible verse in abortion clinic ‘buffer zone’

A Christian preacher and campaigner faces being sent to prison for six months for holding a sign with a verse from the Bible’s renowned Psalm 139 on it within a ‘buffer zone’ outside of a London abortion clinic.

16 October 2023   Press Office

Win for arrested preacher after Crown Prosecution claims parts of Bible ‘no longer appropriate in modern society’

A criminal prosecution against a street preacher arrested for an alleged ‘hate crime’ has been dropped in which the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) argued that parts of the Bible are ‘abusive’ and ‘no longer appropriate in modern society.’

22 November 2022   Press Office
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