Dr Richard Scott

Dr Scott, a Christian GP from Margate, Kent, has faced investigations from the General Medical Council and NHS England for offering prayer to patients.

Richard, a GP with over 30 years’ experience as a doctor, faced an official complaint in 2011 after discussing faith with a patient. The GMC pursued the complaint, issuing Richard with a five-year warning, which meant that any further complaints to the GMC during that period could result in severe consequences for Richard. That warning expired in June 2017.

However, in June 2019, the National Secular Society (NSS) raised another complaint with the GMC after Richard gave an interview with BBC Radio 4 about faith in the workplace. The GMC investigated Richard a further two times, but was exonerated on both occasions. However, the NSS also raised the issue with NHS England, which imposed mandatory conditions on Richard, including taking a psychological assessment to ‘re-set’ his approach to offering prayer.

With thanks to support from the Christian Legal Centre, the case against him by NHS England was dropped in September 2022.

Richard says, “I am relieved that NHS England has agreed to settle the case, but it never should have come to this.

“Sadly I have seen a deep intolerance from some parts of the NHS towards Christian beliefs and a complete lack of understanding of what prayer is and how it positively impacts people’s lives.

“I hope this outcome acts as an encouragement to other Christian professionals that it is more than OK to share your faith and that freedom is worth fighting for.”

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