Awake, Arise! Stand and speak for Jesus in today’s world



Event Details

22 March 2025
10:00 - 16:30
Emmanuel Centre, Westminster

The darkness in our society is great. All around us, we are seeing the consequences of rejecting God’s good ways: disorder, brokenness and death. We are in a fight for life, for family and for freedom.

But there is hope.

In the midst of fast-moving cultural changes, we have an opportunity to stand up, speak out and shine his light in this dark world. God is calling his people to awake and arise.

Are you ready to respond?

Connect with like-minded Christians from across the UK as we gather for Awake, Arise: a day of teaching, worship, prayer and testimonies that will encourage and equip you to:

  • Look up and see Jesus, the Lord of all
  • Wake up and understand the battle around us
  • Rise up and bring the hope of Jesus to the heart of society

Contributors include Andrea Williams, Pastor Ade Omooba MBE and Andrew Marsh. They will provide:

  • Stories and news on important legal cases involving Christian freedoms
  • Updates on urgent issues in public policy, including education and protection of life
  • Ways for you to pray and take effective action
  • Ideas for how you can make a difference where God has placed you
  • Opportunities to ask questions and access additional resources

It’s time for God’s people to awake and arise. Will you answer the call?

Book your ticket today, and encourage others to come with you.

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