What you can do to protect the unborn and defend free speech

14 May 2024

The government’s Criminal Justice Bill returns to parliament tomorrow, when MPs will start debating and voting on amendments.

Radical amendments have been put forward, using the bill as an opportunity to push abortion and LGBTQ+ agendas.

Even though the bill has nothing to do with these issues, MPs could use it to push through these harmful, unjust laws.

On one hand, there are amendments to do with abortion. Two radical pro-abortion amendments seek to decriminalise abortion, leaving unborn babies with virtually no legal protection whatsoever.

But there is also an attempt to push through a ‘conversion practices’ ban. Even though we have shown countless times that there is no need for such a ban, LGBTQ+ campaigners will not give up. This amendment may well be the most outrageous attempt yet and could even criminalise selling books that give advice on how Christians can stay sexually pure.

These amendments may not be debated tomorrow – it is likely that they are left to a future date, potentially next week.

Nevertheless, we need to act now to make sure that these dangerous amendments are strongly rejected.

Here’s how you can make a difference:

Come to the unified pro-life rally

We’re joining several other pro-life groups outside parliament tomorrow to call on MPs to reject the amendments that would decriminalise abortion up to birth.

Date: Wednesday 15 May 2024
Time: 11am
Location: Parliament Square, Westminster SW1P 3JX
Near Westminster and St James’s Park Underground stations

We’re expecting many people to be there as we join with Abortion Resistance, ADF UK, CBR UK, CitizenGO, Good Counsel Network, March for Life UK, Rachel’s Vineyard, SPUC, Voice for Justice UK, 40 Days For Life and many others to stand together and proclaim life.

Will you come and join us?

Please let us know if you are able to attend.

This will help us finalise our plans and allow us to contact you in case of any last minute changes.

Ask your MP to speak for life

You can also help by contacting your MP, asking them to reject amendments NC1 and NC40 which would decriminalise abortion.

Please contact your MP to let them know that you would like them to speak for life and to strongly oppose up-to-birth abortion.

Ask your MP to support free speech

Alicia Kearns has tabled amendment NC42, which claims to ban ‘conversion practices’.

Today, we’ve published a new article by Public Policy Researcher Carys Moseley that shows many of the problems with this amendment.

A ban on ‘conversion practices’ or ‘conversion therapy’ is a completely unwarranted attack on free speech. No one in favour of a ban has been able to point to anything harmful that is taking place and not prohibited by existing laws.

In reality, a ban targets legitimate free speech – particularly among Christians who want to help each other live sexually pure lives, through prayer, pastoral advice and counselling.

Please contact your MP to ask them to support free speech by strongly opposing NC42.

Find out more about DIY abortions
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