Letting the light shine


Event Details

29 May 2023 - 1 June 2023
16:00 - 12:00
King's Park Conference Centre, Kings Park Road, Moulton Park Industrial Estate, Northampton

Faced with challenges on every side – economical, familial, work-related – people find themselves increasingly anxious in these days, fearing an inability to cope. Our world is in turmoil. There is no doubt that a vibrant, powerful, Christ-centred, Kingdom-minded Church is desperately needed. As individuals and as church leaders, we all need to feel and hear the heart of God for his people, and for those lost in the darkness around us. Darkness will never extinguish the light. The light shines in the darkness.

We, the Church, need to see beyond what we know and begin to understand what is going on in the world from God’s perspective.

Join us at the Connections UK European Conference 2023, where our co-founder Pastor Ade Omooba will be joining a host of other speakers to help us gain some perspective on recent world events, and how we as Christians can respond, bringing light to the darkness.

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