‘We were never called to say a complaint had been raised’

30 September 2021

Worcester College, led by the former chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, has reportedly capitulated to student activism by apologising for hosting our Wilberforce Academy.

Andrea Williams speaks to Andrew Bolt of Sky News Australia’s Bolt Report about Worcester College’s apology for hosting our Wilberforce Academy.

She commented: “The reality was, when we were there, we were so warmly greeted by the staff there … they loved having us there so it was a total bolt out of the blue when we discovered via a student magazine that the provost had apologised, that he regretted our presence there. We weren’t even called about that, we weren’t called to say a complaint had been raised, we weren’t asked to say what we thought about it.

“We have some of the most brilliant theologians coming and giving their expertise to a group of young a vibrant students who are really keen to work out how to apply their Christian faith in their areas of professional life…”

30 September 2021
Sky News Australia

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