Stop the government from imposing abortion on Northern Ireland

14 February 2020

This week, Prime Minister Boris Johnson, advised by Dominic Cummings, has reshuffled his cabinet. This means that there are new members of the Cabinet Office, including a new Secretary of State for Northern Ireland: Brandon Lewis MP.

He will now be key to deciding whether the government goes ahead with introducing the extreme abortion framework on Northern Ireland that his predecessor, Julian Smith, proposed.

The proposed laws go far beyond the existing laws in England, Wales and Scotland, and would effectively introduce abortion on demand for any reason up to either 22 or 24 weeks.

It is now vital that MPs contact the Prime Minister and Brandon Lewis, highlighting the key issues with the proposed framework so that the new Secretary of State for Northern Ireland can act to oppose it.

Will you write to your MP, urging them to take action?

Right to Life have made it easy for you to contact your MP via their website, even suggesting the contents of the letter so that you don’t have to. All you need to do is fill in your details. Please send this letter to your MP, encouraging them to protect the lives of vulnerable, pre-born children in Northern Ireland.

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