Bringing hope in times of hopelessness

6 November 2019

Pastor Ade Omooba MBE, co-founder and director of Christian Concern, invites you to our annual end-of-year gathering on 23 November, ‘Bringing Hope’.

We are living in a time when so many people face hopelessness, says Ade, but “you’re going to see that the hope of Christ is still alive!”

Join us on Saturday 23 November for a great time of fellowship. We’ll be learning together, praying together and rejoicing in the God of hope.

Christian Concern’s ministry is helping to create and protect opportunities to bring real hope to individuals and communities. Come and find out how we’re making a difference – and how you can too.

We’ll be highlighting how gospel witness at the national level links with gospel witness at the local level. We’ll be learning from those who are bringing real hope by helping to tackle important issues, including gang and knife crime, community deprivation, and sexualisation in schools and society.

Hear inspiring stories of how God is at working and bringing hope across the nation.

Discover more about the impact that Christian Concern is making, and the difference that your support is having.

Join us as we lift our nation before God and give thanks to God for all that He is doing.

Find out more and book your place today.

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