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Christian college vs "the sexual identity juggernaut"

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A Christian college in Boston, USA, is being threatened with losing its accreditation because it has asked for exemption from President Obama’s executive order which creates special legal rights for homosexuals.

Gordon College risks losing its accreditation from the New England Association of Schools and Colleges because it adheres to the biblical definition of marriage as an exclusive union for life of one man and one woman. The association has stated publicly that it will conduct a review to determine whether to revoke the school’s accreditation.

A prominent alumnus of Gordon College, Adam MacLeod, now an associate professor at Faulkner University’s Thomas Goode Jones School of Law, has described the situation as a fight between a Christian school and “the sexual identity juggernaut”.


“The suggestion that an institution of learning should lose its accreditation because its people promise to live biblically should alarm all Americans,” writes Professor MacLeod.

Ryan T. Anderson of the Heritage Foundation says the Presidential order “disregards the consciences and liberties of people of goodwill who happen not to share the government’s opinions about issues of sexuality".


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