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UK's first 'gender-abortion' case in Crown Court in new year

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What is believed to be the UK's first 'gender-abortion' prosecution is to proceed to the Crown Court, following a hearing at Manchester and Salford Magistrates' Court. A preliminary hearing in the Crown Court is expected to take place on Friday 6th Februrary 2015. (The orginal date was set for Friday 16th January but has since been postponed). 

Dr Prabha Silvaraman is accused of conspiracy to procure an illegal abortion (read more about this case).

However, in a concerning development, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has been asked to take over the case and drop it.


'Not in the public interest'

Last year the CPS concluded that there was sufficient evidence in the case to provide a realistic prospect of conviction - but decided not to prosecute Dr Prabha Sivaraman and a second doctor, claiming that it was 'not in the public interest' to do so!

It was because of the CPS' failure to prosecute, that Aisling Hubert (pictured) launched her private prosecution, supported by the Christian Legal Centre.

But now Dr Sivaraman's lawyers are urging the CPS first to takeover the case and then to drop it.

'Protecting baby girls'

Commenting on today's developments, Aisling Hubert, said:

"I am so grateful for all the support that I have received and pleased that the case will now go to the Crown Court.

"The CPS refused to prosecute this doctor when it had the opportunity - even though it found that there was sufficient evidence. It cannot be allowed to sabotage the case now. For the sake of baby girls in the womb, this case must come to trial."


Please donate to help us support this important case and others like it.

Click here to see the whole story on our 'gender-abortion' case page.